Part 9

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Part Nine

~Axel and Ashlee~

Axel and Ashlee left for Dutch Harbor late in the evening. He had to go help set up the fireworks show for his uncle and Tracy.

Ashlee had agreed that she would move in the spring, once Axel was done fishing. They would have their wedding then too. She was planning on going to school in the fall and make as much money on her own for the wedding.

They got all packed and brought Coma with them. Ashlee would be taking him back to Maine with her. They left the house and set out just as the sun was slowly setting.

"You think Johnathan will ask Tracy to marry him tomorrow?" she asked Axel.

"What? Why would he?"

"I don't know. It seems like they are so in love with each other."

"I'm not sure what he has planned, but who knows. Do you think she would say yes?" he wondered, holding Ashlee's hand tightly.

"Yes I do."

He mumbled to himself, turning up the radio. The drive to Dutch took an hour with how fast he was driving and the fact that it was late. They pulled into the parking lot where the others were staying. Axel helped Ashlee out and got their luggage while Ashlee texted Tracy letting her know they had arrived.

~Andy and Sabrina~

Andy was in the café picking up dinner for him and Sabrina when he spotted Axel checking in. Coma saw him and barked, recognizing Andy. The couple turned and smiled at Andy, who came over.

"You two checking in?" he asked them.

"Yeah, I thought it would be easier if we came tonight," Axel answered. "Where's dad?"

"Neal will be here at 5 AM. We should get some rest."

"What about Tracy and Johnathan?" Ashlee asked, walking up the stairs with the men.

"Oh, she's a if you get my drift," Andy chuckled, starting to walk away. "I'll see you two in the morning."

Axel shook his head at his uncle and made his way to their room with Ashlee. He wanted Ashlee one last time before they left. It was going to be a long six months.

Andy walked into his room to find his wife texting.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked.

"Tracy and Ashlee. Ashlee just got here," she replied.

"Yeah I know. I ran into them downstairs. They're checked in already."

Andy handed his wife his version of dinner, making her smile.

"What do you guys have planned in the morning?" she asked.

Andy smiled. "Nothing too crazy. Just a little send off for Johnathan and a welcome for Tracy. The crews are going to be there filming too by the way," he said, settling in next to Sabrina.

"When are they not there," she rolled her eyes.

"You don't care for them too much, do you?"

"It's not that I don't like them, it's just that we have no privacy when they are around. Everyone knows when you guys are here too. So much has changed."

Andy leaned over and kissed his wife. "I love you. Things will change once Johnathan retires too."

He kissed her again and they made love again, snuggling in bed after. Before they knew it, it was 5 AM and the alarm was blasting. He hit it and snuggled a few more seconds with his wife.

"I have to get up and go join the crew," he told her.

"I'm coming with."

She got herself together and saw Tracy had sent her a text letting her know she was already up and with Ashlee down in the café.

With a heavy heart, she followed Andy down the stairs, seeing the others. Goodbye was coming fast.

~Johnathan and Tracy~

Johnathan was setting stuff up with the crew when he saw Andy come down with Sabrina. He knew it was time.

They got in their trucks with their ladies. Things were quiet and it was dark out. That would soon change.

Part of the Discovery Channel crew was filming Johnathan and Tracy in the truck.

"Would you wear something for me if I asked you to?" Johnathan was trying to stay focused on the short trip to the pier.

My heart was pounding. "Sure, but you know you..." as I tried to tell him he didn't need to give me anything, he took out a small black ring size box.

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