Part 10

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Part Ten

~Johnathan and Tracy~

Johnathan took the little black box out as they pulled into his spot.

"Would you wear this for me? We don't have to make any decisions. I just want you to know you belong to me."

I didn't even think. I was aware we were parked at the dock and people were watching us. Plus, the Discovery Crew was filming.

I nodded yes. "Yes, I'll marry you in the summer."

He was smiling as he leaned over and blocked the view of the camera as he kissed me, making me laugh. Everyone on the dock was watching and whistling. We got out of the truck and joined them.

Andy came up to me. "Congratulations you two!" He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Then the fireworks started and everyone began cheering.

"Just a little send off, brother," Andy said, smiling as he slapped Johnathan's back.

"That's it, Andy! Let's get this season going!"

The men said goodbye to us and off they went. Sabrina and Ashlee came over to join me, knowing we were still being filmed.

Sabrina put her arm around my shoulder. "Johnathan sure is full of surprises," she said.

"You're telling me. I hadn't even thought about getting married to him. He didn't have to propose to me to keep me. I never asked him to."

"I know, it's just the way he is. He's so in love with you. You're perfect for Johnathan. You don't take any of his shit." We both started laughing. Ashlee giggled along with us.

"When are you and Axel getting married Ashlee?" I asked as we headed back to the hotel to pack our things. I had a ten o'clock flight out of Dutch and the ladies were leaving tomorrow morning.

"We compromised," Ashlee replied.

"You compromised with Axel? Boy, he's in love with you," Sabrina chuckled.

"Yes, well, he wanted me here all winter and I refused, so I agreed to move to Homer in the spring when he is done. I'll have my nursing license then so I can get a job. I don't want him to think he needs to support me."

"Good for you. Axel is tough, but you've made him a man, Ashlee," Sabrina said. That comment warmed Ashlee's heart.

"Sabrina, you and Andy have been through so much and stayed together for so long. What is the answer?" I asked her.

"First, we're friends. We respect each other, too. I give him his space and he does the same. We have the ranch and our family. It works for us. You will see, it will work for you guys too," she said.

I thanked the ladies and went to pack. Everyone knew we had gotten engaged. It was already on their website and I didn't care. I was headed home to be a mom again and wait for spring when Johnathan came back.

When I was finished packing and getting ready to leave, we all said goodbye to one another. I promised to text them when I got in so that Sabrina could let Johnathan know I arrived safely. I wouldn't be able to talk to him unless we had an emergency. It would be tough. Hopefully we would be together on Thanksgiving.

****Several Months Later - November****

Things were moving along slowly. Rose had been sick and I had this awful cold that wouldn't go away. I had spoken to Sabrina and we had set it up that we were all going to be together for Thanksgiving. But two weeks earlier, I woke up super sick to my stomach. I thought at first it was just the stomach full. I must've thrown up at least three times before noon. Luckily, my daughter hadn't caught it yet.

I called my ex to see if he would take her that weekend, knowing I would be with Johnathan over the long weekend. He didn't care too much to have her for an extra weekend. But I insisted I didn't want Rose to catch whatever I had.

Sabrina had called me and I needed to call her back. Feeling sick, I called her and she answered.

"Hi, how are you doing?" she asked, sounding so bubbly. It made me feel sicker.

"Ugh, Sabrina, I feel like death. I must've caught the flu or something," I answered, rolling over in bed and looking out the window to see it was pouring rain outside.

"Goodness, you sound horrible. How long have you been sick?"

"For a couple of weeks. Have you heard from the guys? Are they okay?"

"Tracy, for two weeks? You should go to the doctors! Is Rose sick too?"

"No, I sent her to my ex so she wouldn't catch it, just in case."

"I want you to go get checked out before you leave for Alaska," she said. "And to answer you question, the men are okay. They have been hit by a couple of storms, but Johnathan got out of it safely with Andy's help."

"Okay good, it's good to hear they are doing okay. And I will get checked out. But I'm telling you, they are just going to tell me it's the flu from working with the kids."

"Let me throw this one at you. You're not pregnant, are you?"

My heart literally stopped when she asked me that. "That's not funny Sabrina. I get the shot anyways."

"But, you know it could happen by mistake, right? It's not 100 percent. Did you make Johnathan use protection?"

"Sabrina, honestly, I'm not pregnant. I'm not having this conversation with you."

"Okay, okay. You get that doctors appointment scheduled and call me after you see them."

"Don't tell Johnathan anything, please."

"I won't," she said.

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I decided after being sick off and on that day to suck it up and call the doctor's office to get in that morning. So here waiting in the waiting room.

"Ms. Williams?" the nurse called my name.

I got up and followed her into the exam room.

"So you're not feeling good, I understand?" she questioned.

"No, it's been off and on for a couple of weeks. I thought it was just the flu, but it won't go away."

"Dr. Logan wants you to do a urine test just to rule out pregnancy."

"Okay," I mumbled.

I got up and went to do the dreaded test and came back to the room. Ten minutes later, Dr. Logan came in and sat down.

"How long have you been in a relationship?" he asked.

"Since the summer. He's a captain of a fishing vessel up in the Bering Sea," I answered. "What did my test say?" My heart was racing. I didn't want to chat. I wanted to know what it said.

"Well, it came back positive. You're indeed pregnant."

That night I had fallen asleep in bed when I got a phone call from Johnathan. It rang a couple of times and I groggily answered it.

"Tracy, are you okay?"

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