Part 1

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Part One

Inspired by Miranda Lambert's song Pushing Time and the TV Show "The Affair"'

Yes, we do live close to where Johnathan Hillstrand lives. My daughter did meet him at her school, but she had no idea who he was lol

***Adult Content Warning***

*Johnathan & Tracy*


It was late September. It was a beautiful fall day in Dutch Harbor. The boats were getting ready to head out to the crab grounds. Captain Johnathan Hillstrand was ready and excited to be going out one final time with his brother Captain Andy Hillstrand, on their family boat, the F/V Time Bandit. The Discovery Channel crew was already there setting up for the season. John had a long talk with the producer of the show about his concerns of them taping him and Tracy. He wasn't so sure about broadcasting his new love life on television just yet. So, they agreed to wait and see how things went first before throwing her off the deep end.

Johnathan had been talking to his girlfriend of just three months, Tracy. He asked her to come to Dutch to meet his family and the crew of the Time Bandit. She finally agreed to fly up from Seattle that weekend.

They had met at her daughter's school one day when she was volunteering in her daughter's class, who had special needs. Johnathan came to read to the kids and of course Tracy knew who he was the minute she heard his voice down the hall.

When John had walked into the classroom, he became consumed with the kids who all adored him, except her daughter, who wasn't too excited about having story time. So Tracy sat quietly with her daughter and played dolls. Johnathan saw them in the corner and wanted to meet them right away. He got down on the carpet and started up a conversation with her daughter, Rose. That was all it took for Tracy to fall head over heels in love with John, as he was with her. He couldn't believe his luck. The fact that they lived so close to each other must've meant something, he thought.

Finally after months of being apart and millions of texts and calls later, John convinced Tracy to come to Dutch for the weekend. Rose was staying with her dad and John knew Tracy would be alone that weekend. They hadn't gone too far in their relationship. He was hoping that would change. She was everything he never knew he wanted. She wasn't after his money or fame. She cared about him and his kids, who had already met her. They liked her as well.

He had sent Tracy another message to see if she had met up with the ladies that he sent her to travel with. He trusted Sabrina, his sister in law, and his nephew's girlfriend, Ashlee, to take her under their wing. They were accustomed to the way things had become in the family with the show and the high demand on the guys, but they didn't seem to mind. John admired them deeply for it too.

While John was spacing, he wasn't aware that his brothers had come on the boat along with his nephew Axel. He jumped John who was sitting in the captain's chair, staring off into the water. It nearly gave him
a heart attack.

"What the fuck!" He grabbed his heart. The camera crew was behind them, recording it all, knowing this was John's final season.

The men roared. "Man, you were in lala land and you didn't even hear us talking to you," Andy chuckled, sitting down in another chair.

"Yeah, real funny man," John replied.

"Were you day dreaming about something special uncle Johnny?" Axel loved the fact that his uncle was head over heels for Tracy and was just as curious to meet her.

"Axel!" John gave him the look that said "shut the f up, the cameras are going".

Axel chuckled. "I'm going to sleep for a while," he said, before going to crash on his bunk.


I was flying up to meet John in Dutch Harbor. I hadn't taken much time for myself. To say I was excited was an understatement. I was nervous at the same time. Meeting his boat family was exciting for me, but scary too.

I was supposed to be meeting up with his nephew's girlfriend, Ashlee, who was dating Axel and Sabrina, who was married to his brother Andy. The ladies were flying into Seattle where I lived and then we would be flying up to Dutch. We had texted and sent pictures, so I kinda knew what they looked like. They both said they would be wearing Time Bandit hats, so I knew who they were.

I sat down at the gate nervously looking around. It was then that I heard two ladies giggling. One was a tall older lady with long sandy blonde hair, wearing a hat. The other was by far younger, wearing the same hat on top of her long brunette hair. She had a cute figure. Here I was, short and curvy. I definitely felt out of place. Why was Johnathan even attracted to me?

"Tracy?" the older lady asked me, smiling with warm eyes.

"Hi! Sabrina?" I stuck my hand out to shake hers.

"Oh, you sweet thing!" she exclaimed, giving me a huge hug.

"Sabrina, you're going to suffocate her," the younger girl, who must be Ashlee, laughed.

"Sorry, we're so excited to meet you finally! We've heard a lot about you, of course. Oh and this is Ashlee. She's Axel's girl, also from the East Coast, but we still love her because she puts up with my nephew."

We both laughed.

"It's really nice to meet you, finally. The guys are excited you are coming up," Ashlee said. I could hear a slight accent in her voice. East Coasters tended to talk a bit different.

"Well, to say I'm excited is an understatement, though I'm nervous too. I'm glad to be flying up there with you ladies though," I replied.

"You have nothing to worry about hun. If John wanted us to meet you, you're already part of the family." It warmed my heart to hear Sabrina say that.

They announced our flight and that first class passengers could board first. Johnathan had insisted that I take the ticket. He wouldn't even let me pay for it. So, I would be flying in first class.

We got in line. Johnathan sent me a text to make sure I was boarding with the ladies. I laughed at it.

"What is it?" Sabrina asked, looking from behind me at my phone while we got close to boarding the plane.

"It's John. He wanted to make sure I'm with you two. He's checked in with me like five times this morning. Is he always this way?" I asked as the flight attendant checked my ticket and said I was good to go.

Ashlee laughed from behind me. "No, you're the first one he's had fly up to Dutch to meet us all in a long time. You shouldn't be nervous. He's totally taken by you from what I've been told."

"Great," I mumbled. More stress.

As we settled into our seats, all three of us sat together. I loved flying. That's not why I was nervous. I already could tell I would get along with Sabrina and Ashlee. It was the men I was nervous about.

I took out my phone. Ashlee saw it.

"Oh, I've got an idea! Let's snap a picture of the three of us for the guys. We have something for you too," she said, taking something out of her purse. It was a Time Bandit hat. I loved it.

We giggled and took the picture and sent it to all three of the guys. Next thing we knew, we were off!

All three of the guys got the picture at the same time. There were their ladies, smiling and wearing the Time Bandit hats. Johnathan laughed as did Andy. They could hear Axel chuckle from the galley. He was happy to see Tracy in the middle. He knew everything would be perfectly fine until she got to Dutch.

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