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"Before the video started I tweeted out some phrases for us to say. Sooo, lets get started! James will go first." c: I said to the camera.

James started, "So our first tweets is from FabulousKate251', saying; 'are you a banana? because I find you a-peeling'. From that sentence, I read 'Are you a pina colada? Be the old man I find in the attic!'

"That was so off! I can't believe I got that wrong. I thought I was so good at this game!" I yelled.

"We all can't be great at everything..." We both looked at the camera and made little guns with our hands and shot the camera with our hand guns. I will edit some sound effects to that in later.

We both then started laughing very loud for a few minutes until I heard a knock at the door. I said, "I heard a knock I'll be right back." I walk over to the door and open it. Standing in the doorway I see a grouchy old lady holding a cat that looked like it was about to rip her face off. She stares at me with an unhappy look, then starts yelling. "YOU GIRL! KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN OR I AM GOING TO CALL THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION AND I WILL GET YOU EVICTED! I MEAN IT!" My eyes go huge and I say, "Oh.. I'm sorry ma'am. My apologies. I will keep my voice down." She said back, "YOU BETTER BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL REGRET IT!" I say back, "Okay. Okay. Now will you please get out of my doorway so I can close the door?" She makes a "hmph" noise and walks away, strutting with her cat in her hand.

I close the door and walk back to the chairs where James is sitting. "Sorry about that," I say to James. "It's okay. Let's get on with the video!" I look at him and say, "Well, we have to keep our voices down. The old lady at the door was in a really bad mood because we were being "TOO LOUD". I make air parenthesis while saying "TOO LOUD".

We started again and I put my headphones back on. Nine In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco came on. I grabbed my phone and looked for a good tweet. The one I picked said, "It's all ogre now." It was posted by 'QueenBrianna2'. He said, "I love the dobre twins."

"What? How did you get that??!" I laughed. "I'm not really sure. Your lips are really hard to read."

We continued the game for a few more rounds until I did the outro and ended the video. "That was fun." James said. "Yeah it was. We should do it again sometime."

"Anyway, I should get going here soon. I'm going out for dinner with my mom." He said. "Okay! See you around James." After he left I went around looking for my microphone and finally found it in the kitchen in the cereal cabinet... I definitely did not put it there. Maybe my apartment is haunted.

Right as I find the microphone in the cereal cabinet I hear a door creak open down the hallway. Then I hear footsteps. I didn't know what to do so I ran out the front door. I didn't want to bother James because he was going to dinner with his mom. So I called my friend Liam, but he didn't answer. Then I called my friend Connor. He picked up after 2 (an/ 666 words right there... sorry I had to) times ringing. I stutter out, "C-Connor... T-There's... S-someone... I-In... M-My... H-House... Can y-you please c-come h-help me...?" He sounded worried, "Okay. I'll be there in a few." A few minutes later he came flying down the stairs. He lives at the very top floor of the same building as me.
We went inside the house and heard a plate shatter. Then the water turned on. He went in farther but nobody was in there. He then ran out screaming. "WE NEED TO CALL THE POLICE NOW." He picks up his phone and dials 9-1-1. "Hello? Yeah. I'm at the Arizona Applewood apartment building. House number 216. There is a presence inside this apartment that is smashing plates and turning the sink on. There's also bloody handprints on the wall. Please hurry." He hangs up and hugs me. "I'm so glad you called me. You could've been hurt!" "I know. It seemed really weird this morning when my mic was missing because I swear I remember bringing it back inside. And that explains why all the doors were closed this morning when I woke up. I think I might have to move out.

5 minutes later a police car shows up at the apartment. "Hello officer." Connor said. "Hello young man. So this is the apartment that's haunted?" "Yep." Connor replied.

The officer went into the building and came out 10 minutes later. "I chased the ghostly presence away for now, but it may come back. You might want to move out to somewhere else in the meantime. "Thank you officer." "Please, call me Dan. It was my pleasure." Dan said. Then he walked off into his police car and drove off. "Well that was interesting." Connor said. "Hello? Earth to [y/n]?" I was in shock from what just happened. I could see Connor waving his hand in my face but couldn't move my body or use words to tell him anything. Then I started falling and my head hit the ground. My vision went black.

Heyyyy guys! Thanks so much for reading. This chapter took a while to write because I haven't had much time for writing. I apologize so much and will try to get it out soon. I am post-poning the Chaos Trilogy until after this book is done. Two books would be way too much to handle when I can barely keep up with one. Thnx for understanding and ily all sm. Keep being yourself beautifuls. Ily. ❤️ <3

~ella xo

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