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For the time being, I have been staying at Connor's apartment.

The incident at my apartment happened a week ago and I haven't seen James since that day. The landlord and I have been working on a deal that would let me get a new apartment for free in the same building. Which is nice because I can be close to James and Connor.

My phone rang.




I walked over and picked it up.

Caller: Hey y/n! Its James.

You: Oh! Hey how's it going?

James: Well I haven't been so great the past week. My girlfriend and I broke up.

(An/ I dont actually know if he has an irl girlfriend that we know about so I'm making it up)

You: Awww I'm so sorry!

James: Its alright. I was calling to see if you wanted to come over to my apartment in a little bit.

You: Sure it sounds great! When should I get there?

James: 20 minutes?

You: Works with me. See you then!

*call ended*

Aaaaah I can't believe I'm gonna hang out with James again! And he had a girlfriend? I had no idea!!!

I better go get ready. I look like a total mess. I went into the bathroom and did my makeup.

I straightened my hair also since it was a complete disaster. It looked like a hurricane happened up there.

After about 15 minutes I went out the door but before I yelled to Connor, "I'll be back later."

I walked down the stairs to James' apartment. I knocked on the door and he answered immediately.

"Hey." James said.

"Hi." I said back. "Would you like to come in?" James stated. "Sure, since that's why I'm here." I chuckle. I noticed James' face looked a little pink. Hmmm.

James leads me inside and we go to the couch. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asks. "Yeah I love movies!" I answered. "How about a horror movie..." "YES! I LOVE HORROR MOVIES!" I said a little too loudly. "Alright then a horror movie it is."

James started the movie. It was called Chucky. One of the scary ones with the clowns. Yeesh.

Near the beginning of the movie there was a jumpscare. The clown found the hidden camera in the room and popped out in front of it. James screamed like a little girl and cuddled up to me. I don't think he realized what he did because when he did, his face turned an even brighter pink.

The rest of the movie was pretty much the same. Jumpscare, James screams, cuddles up to me, the awkwardly sits back up. It was pretty funny.

The movie was really good. I love a good horror movie. James on the other hand... I think he only watched the movie so he could cuddle me. But who would want to cuddle me? Nobody would ever like me because I'm such a screw up.

It was around 5pm when the movie ended. James asked, "Hey y/n we should go down to the boardwalk and get something to eat." I agreed.

Since I didn't bring anything with me, James just grabbed his wallet and phone and we went down to the boardwalk.

We ended up eating at a place called Sanders. It was a Chinese/ Japanese cusine that had sushi, and chinese food!
(An/ its not a real place I just made it up)

After we finished eating we kept walking down the boardwalk until the end. Then we took the stairs down to the beach.

Luckily we were both wearing shorts so we could go into the water. We only put our feet in so we wouldn't get wet.
(An/ *cough* shes probably already wet if u know wad I mean (; *cough*)

We went back on to the beach and walked up a small rocky hill that overlooked the ocean. We sat down near the edge but not too close so we wouldn't fall off. It was just about sunset time so we just stayed to watch the sunset.

It was so beautiful. All the colors blending together from the blue all the way to the oranges that make the horizon. I was staring at the sky in awe when James broke the silence.


"Hi." I said back.

"Can I tell you something?" James asked.

"You can tell me anything." I whispered.

He got close to my ear and whispered back, "I like you."

I said back "I like you too... But... How can you like someone like me?"

He looked confused. "What do you mean? You're perfect."

My eyes well up with tears. "I-I'm not perfect..."

"You are to me, and that's all that matters."

Ty all for reading!
Im so so so so sorry for not publishing more often its just I'm going through some personal stuff at the moment and cant update all the time. I'm trying to get a consistent schedule going but its hard.
School starts really soon as well so its going to get even harder. That's what she said haha.
But aNyWaY
Enough with the talk
I had this idea
To add some sad stuff in
So what I added is the girl is going through stuff. She has depression and anxiety but in not gonna take it too far.
Its probably gonna be like those "Boy saves girl" things but idk yet.

-ella xo

924 words
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