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So I know I just started doing the things with the text but its really confusing me and im already removing it heh... Sorry if you liked it which I bet nobody did because it was annoying asf but anyway enjoy the chapter!

    Reader's Point of View

    It has been a few days and the transaction has been closed on our new house. I'm an adult and did something! *self high five* Wow that was sad I need friends.

    Since I officially own the house, we can move in at any time. I'm going to be gathering stuff from my old apartment but with the help of Connor since I don't want to be attacked by a ghost again.

I called up Connor on his phone.




"Hey, Connor can you come help me put stuff into boxes? Pleaaaaaaase?" I begged.

"Ugh Fine. You needy little girl." I was offended.

"I'M NOT LITTLE!!" I screamed through the phone.

"See you in two minutes." He is so freaking annoying.

He hung up. WHAT A BITCH AMIRITE!! Just kidding please don't hurt me Connor. You can't read my thoughts but I'M PLAYING IT SAFE.

Connor got down to my "Old" apartment in two minutes and he walked right in not even knocking. Though the door was open...... maybe a mistake. "Please knock next time dude.. I could've punched you thinking some random stranger waltzed right into my house!" He glared at me. "Okay, first, don't leave your door open. Second, I don't have to knock because I'm white and privileged."

He is such a dorfus. "I just want to take this fork," I picked up a fork sitting on the counter, "And stab you 73 times just for saying that." He looked offended. "You can't do that to me because I'm white and privileged. Although...." He said taking the fork from me, "I can do it to you because you are (ethnicity) and not privileged because I'm special. I-I mean you are special but just not as special as me. You know?" I just walked out of the room. Well, to go get a nerf gun stashed under my bed.

I grabbed the nerf gun and it was already loaded. I ran out from the hall and pummeled him with the nerf bullets. He fell on the ground. Sadly nobody was recording this. Uhhh..... "Connor...." I was scared. There was somebody in the doorway. The figure was in a shadow so I couldn't see who it was. "Connor...." He was in fake pain on the floor but looked at me with a Question mark look on his face. "There's someone in the doorway..." He turned around to see someone standing in the doorway with a camera. Connor then screamed like a little girl and ran out of the room so fast that nobody even saw him stand up.

The figure walked through the doorway revealing... Someone holding a cellphone... Who had a blue shirt on... Who also had a youtube channel... Who's name was James Rallison. Recording Connor freaking out. This is the best day ever! I ran over and hugged James. "HI JAMES!" He looked at me, "Do I know you? I just heard a bunch of noise and came over recording to see if something was wrong." I looked at him blankly. Is he serious? "J-James... we've met before..." I got a little sick. "I think you've mistaken me for someone else..." I got really nauseous and fell to the ground. "(y/n)?? I'm just messing! Of course I remember you. (y/n)?"

I blacked out.

I woke up about three hours later to hear people talking loudly. I looked around the room and found myself in my own bed. The people talking outside the room started talk-yelling at each other. I listened into the conversation. Why were there people inside my apartment?

"Well why didn't you knock first before you came in?"

The voices sounded familiar.

"You're blaming this on me now? He was the one who made her black out!"

I realized it was Liam and Connor talking.

A third voice chimed in, "Woah, woah guys. We don't need to bring me into this. Please, I'm just going to go check on her."

I heard footsteps outside my door and then the door opened. "Hey..." It was James. "Are you awake?" I nodded at him. "Do you need anything? Also sorry for their yelling. Connor called Liam after he saw you on the floor knocked out not seeing me." Connor once again causing trouble.. What's new... "I don't need anything at the moment..." He looked at me and nodded. "Actually, I'll be right back. I know you don't need anything but I want you to see something..." He walked out of the room. I heard him tell the guys, "I'll be back in a minute. Getting something."

He returned a few minutes later with a blanket. "I already have blankets... Thank you though.." I told him. "It's not just a blanket." He gave me the blanket. When I looked into the blanket I saw Penny, casually sitting in the blanket. "Awwwwh!" He smiled. "I knew you would want to see her soon and thought this would be the perfect moment." I looked over at him. "Thank you." I said. I looked down to see her staring at me with her big, adorable eyes.

I loved her so much

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I loved her so much. AaAAaaAa! <3 "Should we pack stuff now...?" I nodded. "Yep." I set Penny down on my bed and went to close the front door so she couldn't get out. When I walked out of my room the guys both ran right to me and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're okay!" "How are you feeling?" They said over the top of each other. Then they glared at each other. "Guys, I'm fine." They let me go and I went to close the door. "I want you guys to meet someone." I went into my room and grabbed Penny in my arms. "Guys, close your eyes and put one arm out each. Don't say anything until I say you can look." They put out their arms and I walked up to them. I put Penny's head underneath their hands one at a time and Liam freaked out. "WHAT WAS THAT?!?" I laughed. "You can open your eyes now. Her name is Penny." They opened their eyes and their eyes went huge. "OOMG THAT IS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. Besides Ellie." Connor yelled. Liam said, "Can I hold her?" I gave her to him and it was like a little boy staring at his favorite candy. The best reaction ever. He gave her back to me after a few minutes and I set her on the ground. She immediately started running around everywhere and it was so adorable.

"Lets get packing!" I exclaimed.


AnnnNnnnyway, some of you who are really observant and or follow me might've seen that I posted a new storryyyyy

but sadlyy I had to take it down because I only got 6 reads in like 3 days HEheHEhEheH its sad ik

anywaY x2

I'll post it again after this book and hopefully get more readers... because ya'll love this story but not that one hah

pCe FaM sQuAD!

-ella xo

1224 words <3

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