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"Hi." I said back.

"Can I tell you something?" James asked.

"You can tell me anything." I whispered.

He got close to my ear and whispered back, "I like you."

I said back "I like you too... But... How can you like someone like me?"

He looked confused. "What do you mean? You're perfect."

My eyes well up with tears. "I-I'm not perfect..."

"You are to me, and that's all that matters."

I scooted closer to him and wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you." I said.

I really needed that. He's like my light that leads me through the darkness.

One hour later-

We went back to James' apartment after that. We walked into the door and James asked, "Hey do you want to spend the night?" I was shocked that he asked this so I forgot to answer. "Hello...? Earth to [y/n]..." I was sitting in a chair and fell out of it. "aaaeEEee!! You scared me! Also... sure... I need to get my stuff though." He smiled, "You can use one of my t-shirts if you want.. They would probably be big on you anyway." I got back up off the floor. "Alright." I said.

"So what should we do?"

James' Point Of View

She asked me, "So what should we do?" Hmmm... Maybe that.... no no. We aren't there yet. We could... definitely not... Aha! We should watch another movie. I could let her choose this one.

"How about a movie? You choose."

"Have you seen Moana?" She asked. "I haven't had a chance actually. I know the songs though!"

"Lets watch Moana then!" I agreed. "Popcorn?" I asked. "Yeeeessssss popcooorrrrrnnnn!!!!" She seemed really excited about popcorn. I laughed. I got up to grab the bag and put it in the microwave for 3.5 minutes.

After 3.5 minutes I took out the popcorn and put it into the bowls. I carried it back over to the couch and gave a bowl to [y/n]. "Can't we share a bowl?" I took her bowl and brought it back to the kitchen and got a bigger bowl from the cabinet. I dumped both bowls into the big bowl.

I brought the popcorn back to the couch and [y/n] started the movie.

The intro music started playing and the Hawaiian tune filled the air. We kept watching the movie.

When the first song came up, Where You Are, I started singing really horribly. I did it on purpose, although my real singing isn't any better. We kept watching.

When the next song came up, How Far I'll Go, I stood up and actually tried singing good this time. It went, "I've been staring at the edge of the water long as I can remember never really knowing why." Then the rest went on and I kept singing. I didn't even notice y/n staring at me with huge eyes. The song finished and I was out of breath. I noticed y/n staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" She looked flustered. "You're... So good at singing..." Well at least someone thinks so. "Thanks." I sat back down and was silent the rest of the movie.

When the movie finished the popcorn bowl was empty and I took it back into the sink where there were 5 million dishes all stacked up that needed to be washed. I need a roomate. I remember y/n talking about this Connor dude saying he needed a roomate too... I could ask him. I hope he doesn't mind me being a youtuber and all. I mean, y/n is too so he must be used to it by now.

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