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The past few weeks, I have been sleep deprived, hungry, and upset because of Liam. He's been in this mood that puts me into a spiraling chain of doubt of everything he's done for me. He's my friend yes, but he doesn't trust me enough to tell me what he's been doing out at 3am almost every morning? Coming home at 6am and making excuses and blowing up at me? He's just getting on my nerves.

On the flip side, me and James are in a good place right now. We've been on a few more dates to the movies and out to dinner a couple of times but nothing really special. We haven't kissed yet, but that takes time to build a strong relationship and then go deeper within eachtoher. Or maybe we just haven't had the right moment.

Today, I've made it my goal to get the truth from Liam. But first, I need to find him.

I walk up the stairs and go to Connor's room, but the door was wide open and no one was inside. I know he was home because I could hear him yelling from another room. I think he's playing a game on the Nintendo switch with his girlfriend. I walk into the upstairs living room to find exactly that. "Hey guys, have either of you seen Liam this morning? I'm trying to find him." Connor didn't glance up from his game. "I think he was going to go to the mall with his cousin Lidya, but I'm pretty sure Lidya moved to Italy last year when they got into a fight. She used to live with him but things got pretty bad after that. To tell you the truth, I think he's out with that guy again. What's his name again?" He still hadn't glanced up. "I have no idea, I've only seen the guy a few times at 3 in the morning. Beats me." I walk back into the hall and close the door behind me.

As I walk down my driveway I see Liam getting out of another car. The same guy I've seen before is in the drivers seat. They're just sitting in the car on the sidewalk. I walk over to the car and Liam rolls down the window. "Hi [y/n]...." He doesn't make eye contact. "Hi. Where have you been? Nobody saw you this morning." He looked over at his friend and then to me. "I was just getting coffee with Sebastian." Oh. That was his name. Well, he seems pretty cool. "Oh alright. I've just been worried about you lately. Liam, do you want to go to the mall with me later today? You can come too Sebastian." Liam replied, "Yeah sure. The mall can be fun." Sebastian then said after, "Hmm, yeah. I think I'll come too. By the way, you can call me Tian. Sebastian is a little too long." I heard Liam mumble under his breath 'thats what she said', but if Tian had noticed he didn't say anything.

I went back inside for about an hour to get ready. Liam went off somewhere to do something, but Tian stayed with me. I wanted to get to know this boy better, and what connection he had to Liam.

I started off by asking him a few simple questions. I didn't want to make him feel pressured or uncomfortable at all. "So, how did you and Liam meet?" He looked over at me as I smeared foundation around my face. "Well, I was out at the gym really early in the morning one day, and he was there too. Nothing really happened that day though. We started talking a week later after we ran into each other again at Walmart." Hmmmm. Totally nothing fishy there. "Sounds good. Also, one more question. What are you guys?" He blankly stared at me. "What do you mean?" I returned to doing my makeup. "I mean like, are you two just friends... Or something else..." He looked at me with big eyes. "It's a long story...."

Im back with one chapter. just one, a new one won't be for awhile. i just got my ipad back and am losing it again so that's great.

enjoy the chapter

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