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The moment I walked down those stairs I knew something was wrong. I couldn't place exactly what it was, but it felt somewhat like last time during the ghost encounter. Except... This felt different. Like a real person... Or like something bad may happen.

I brushed the feeling off and decided not to kill the happy mood of the boys.

We arrived at the mall in 15 minutes after singing at the top of our lungs to the Hamilton soundtrack. Only the best musical soundtrack ever.

The mall was extremely crowded and more than usual. There was a huge traffic jam up ahead in one parking lot that was blocking the traffic from getting to other parking lots.

After a pretty long time of waiting, I received a text from Connor.

connie: do you know where James is? i was supposed to meet him at the gym 30 minutes ago but he's not here and not answering my call

My stomach starts to get queezy as I fear the worst, but James isn't that careless.

An emergency response vehicle siren blares from behind me as traffic merges to the side to make room for the car.

My stomach drops more and I get light headed. Tian looks over at you and asks, "Hey, earth to y/n. Hello? You don't look so good... Are you okay?"

I dont answer him. My mind is stuck in this eternal loop of fearing the worst and rethinking that its not James who's injured.

Our car finally gets to the front and I saw what my fear was.

Three cars.
Three people.

Two cars damaged.
Two people mildly injured.

One car totalled.
One person in the hospital.


I blacked out.

Super sorry for another short chapter but hope you guys enjoyed. Also, sorry for the lack of james in this story so far, I'm working on it.

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ella xo

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