a birthday surprise for Soarin

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RD pov
Alright well today was a very interesting day and I found out that I'm going to be a mother and how do I tell Soarin.


I was sitting on a chair  in the doctor office waiting for the test to come back. About 10 mins later the doctor come in.
"Congratulations Ms.Rainbow Dash you are having a baby in 9 months I want to see u in a few months for a check up."
I was shocked and how. I'm going to be a mother.
"Ok but I don't understand."
"I know u don't understand but,if u have any questions u may come down and ask."
End of Flashback

I'm scared that he is going to be mad at me but how did I get pregnant,how oh I know how. Shit when Soar and I were drunk. But as I was flying to HQ I got an idea what if I told him on his birthday that is a gift right?
Time skip to Spitfire office
"Hey Spitfire." I said with a bit of sadness
"Hi Crash u alright how did the doctor go?"
Time to tell and ask the team for help.
"Well um promise not to tell Soarin.. well I'm ..................pregnant."
"Omfg. You are having a baby!!"
"Yes and I want to tell Soarin at his party tomorrow and tell him that he is going to be a dad."
"Alight Crash well u want help right?"
"Yes I want him to have him guessing."
"Let me call the team."
She put her hoof on the red button and said,"I want everyone in the mess hall NOW!"
"Thanks Spitfire."
Time skip to the mess hall
I was on the stage along with Spitfire. When everyone was there she spoke.
"I have very important news and Soarin can not find out or else that pony will clean HQ for a year. GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Yes ma'am." The bolts said.
"Ok well the newbie and Soarin are having a baby." I blushed a little and I am going to guess that fire is going to say something drity.
"Omg" a few a the bolts said.
"Soarin srewed you oh he is going to be so pissed." Fire started laughing until Spitfire yelled,"SHUT U FUVKIN PIE WHOLE RIGHT NOW AND I WANT U IN MY OFFICE IN ONE HOUR!!!!!!!!"
He shut his mouth and it scared the shit out of him.
Spitfire turned to me to speak.
"I want your help to surprise him and as u know his party is tomorrow so we don't have a lot of time." I said.
"Well I have an odd question." Fleet foot said.
"What is it?"
"Do u still have a pregnant test thingy."
"Yes why?" I said with wonder.
"Well here is my idea,we can use that and give it to Soarin as a gift from one of us not u and all the gifts are baby stuff,and when he opens yours it will be like a card or something that tells him that he us going to be a father."
Wow I really like that.
"I love that idea can we meet here in 2 hours so we all have time to get everything and so I can invite sum more ponies. Is that okay with u spitfire?"
"Yeah and Fleet foot u r a genis." Spitfire said.
"Bye I have to go." I said.
Time skip to Twilight Castle in  the throne room
I walked in and saw all my best friends.
"Hey guys do u want to come to a birthday party at HQ tomorrow."
"Sure thing." They all said.
"Ok o will see u tomorrow I would like to stay and chat but I have to go I hope u all understand."
"We all do dear." Rarity said.
I flew to my house sand went in the trash can and got out the test and put it in a bag. I was thinking to my self this is so gross eww. Thank goodness Soarin is out of town until tomorrow.
Time Skip to HQ again
When I got back to  HQ I was a little late and my stomach hurts was killing me.
"Hi did u get it." I looked in the mess hall and saw it was Misty.
"Yes and in my opinion it's gross." I said.
"So how many months are u pregnant?" Fleet asked.
"Well this is my 1st month."
"Wow I hope u know u can't fly in two months." Spitfire said.
"WHAT!!!!! I can't fly."
"You didn't know that." Sliver said.
"I had no idea well in 2 months I will be in hell."
Everyone was  laughing.
"Why are u all laughing?" I asked.
"Because it is funny." Misty said.
"Ok wow I guess pregnancy it a bit confusing."
"Ok let's get to wrapping sum presents." Spitfire said.

Time skip to the party                       brought to you by the baby

Soarin pov
I was on my way to HQ and I have not seen dash in a few days and when I woke up this morning she was not with me in bed. All I found was a note saying 'Hi Babe sorry I had to go to HQ early today Spitfire wants to talk to me. I love you and happy birthday Soar the best colt friend I could have.
Love Dashie'
I was sad but at least I can talk to her at work. When I got to HQ all the lights where off.I went towards the mess hall and turns on the lights. I saw a huge blue banner with HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOARIN!! on it all of the bolts were there I saw a huge cake and even presents. Every yelled "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOARIN!!"
"Thank u so much."
Somepony hooves covered my eyes and I knew it was dashie I giggled a bit I pulled the blue hooves down and saw it was Rainbow.
She kissed me on the nose and said,"Happy birthday to the best colt friend in the world." I blushed a little.
"Thanks Dashie love u." The team was saying "aww"
"Love u too" she said.
"So birthday bit r u ready for presents." A pink earth pony mare I think her name was Pinkie Pie,Rainbow had told me all about her friends.
I asked over to the table and sat down when Misty gave me the 1st one saying it was from her. It was a huge box with pink wrapping paper. When I opened it and u looked a little confused it was a crib for a baby?
"Ha ha very funny guys."
All the presents where all baby stuff and one of the last one was from Fire. It was a pregnancy test and it was positive with two pink lines.
"So someone one the team is having a baby?"
They all stayed quiet.
The last one gift was from Rainbow my future wife I want to ask her but I'm scared I did try a few weeks ago but I chicken out of it.
It was a bag full of tissue paper it was blue and when I got to the bottom I saw a note.
Rainbow said,"read it Soar"
"Hi I will meet the best dad in the world in nine months. Um I don't get it."
Wait I'm going to be a dad. U flew up from my seat as fast as a lighting bolt .
I heard dashie fly up to me and she said,"Don't  hurt ur self ok."
"Wait u are not supposed to be flying." I picked up rainbow like a bride way  and brought her down to the ground or the floor.
After the party

When dash and I were home I carried her back and she fell asleep I can't believe that I'm going to be a dad. I went to our room and I but dash down on the bed. I went downstairs and ate a apple pie dashie made for me a few days ago.

Hello everyone what did u think of this chappie did u like it?
CS gives u a bro hoof

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