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It was lunch time so 12 sh and Soarin walked over to me with an sandwich? 

"Hey." i said as he sat down

"Hi so u won the race again how r u so fast?"

"Well duh i was just born with it."

"So i was wondering..........." 

Soarin stoped talking when Spitfire said,"Rainbow dash we have a surprise for you." what could it be a curtain fell and behind it was my big brother that i have not seen in 4 years. tears of joy were in my eyes i run to the sage and hugged him tightly 

"Your home i missed u Blitz."

he looked down at me and said,"And im not leaving u again, dashie i love u my little sister."

"Sister!!!!!" a few wonderbolts said.

"yes i do have a brother this dumb butt went to become a guard and never come home but thank u spitfire." i said after i let go of my brother.

"Welcome crash."

after a few mins i walked back to my table with my brother.

''So Blitz this is my best friend in the wonderbolts Soarin."

The two stallions we taking about Blitz's life as a guard, untill Fire Streak came over

''Hey u and me the ball see u there cutie."

The two boys looked at me 

"Um no thanks Fire im good i dont do dates."

"Too bad."

"Go dash still dont like stallions that my sis."

"Hey Soar do u want to go to the ball." i winked at him my bro's jaw dropped 

''Really u beat me all the time dashie but sure i would love to go with you."

"Race u outside."

i know that in the mlp world that dash does not have a brother but it fit 

hey guys as u may know im will not be updating from the 1st to 5th of july  but this week i promise to update at lot this week i love all u so much and i have 300 reads thank u so much 

CS gives u reader a bro hoof and a hug

also i might update later today in ny it is 12:12 


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