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~Jeremy's POV~

       I fixed my eyes on the screen, readying my hands on the buttons in front of me. I studied the screen with the little time I had, figuring out the strategically placed dead ends and curves in the pathways.

The worker looked to both of us, holding a little button in her hand.

"When I press this button, it will let both of you move through the maze. The first person to make it to the end wins," she explained, showing us both the button. "There may also be a few roadblocks, so be prepared!" We nodded in unison, getting ready for the battle of our lifetimes. Our teammates stood surrounding us, all of them on edge. I felt as though I had an enormous weight on my shoulders, even heavier because of how badly I wanted to win. Not just because I wanted free lunch, but because I wanted to win the prize for Michael. It was going to be the key for confessing to him. Determination blazed in my eyes like fire, and a confident smile rested on my chin.

"Ready, Player One?" The worker asked, looking to Michael. He nodded curtly, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"Ready, Player Two?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded quickly, my fingers hovering over the buttons.

"Go!" The worker exclaimed, pushing down on the button. Immediately, my little character took off into the maze. I faintly heard my team cheering me on and chanting my name, but I couldn't focus on them. I had a maze to navigate.

       I jabbed at the buttons, directing the little blue heart through the many passageways. I noticed Michael's red heart as well, a little bit farther than me. I mashed the buttons harder, forcing the pixels to move faster.

       All of a sudden, Michael let out a short screech, jumping slightly. I glanced over to see a group of pixelated zombies chasing him backwards through the maze, slowly inflicting damage. I let out a gasp as I realized a group of the undead had also materialized in front of me, and I was forced to retreat. I pounded on the plastic buttons, my fingers moving at lightning speed.

       I finally shook off the zombies and was back on track once again. Unfortunately, so was Michael. I raced forward, desperate to pull ahead. Suddenly, the pathway in front of my character closed off, blocking my way. I groaned and, though reluctantly, retraced my steps and sprinted onward. My little character rounded a corner, and I realized I was at the home stretch.

C-c-c-c'mon, go, go! I thought angrily, smashing the buttons in an attempt to make the blue heart go faster. I glanced over and saw that Michael was also almost out. I growled silently and turned back to my screen.

       Right before Michael could exit the maze, my little pile of pixels pulled ahead and sprinted out, marking my victory. The screen flashed, reading "Congrats, Player Two!" in big, bold letters. My team erupted, screaming and cheering loudly. I felt my feet leave the ground as my teammates chanted my name in glory, causing quite the scene. I felt so happy, it was impossible to describe. I felt a wide grin spread across my face like butter, making me want to combust. The whimsy of the moment was too incredible to ignore.

       Once my friends finally put me down, I was able to get my prize. I was about to pick the game controller when I noticed a Pac-Man plush hanging from the ceiling.

       "That one," I stared confidently, puffing my chest out. It was a better choice than the game controller; I just had a gut feeling. The worker tossed it to me with a smile, pressing the button in her hand once again. I watched as the two hearts combined into one half red and half blue pixelated heart. Then, the pixels burst, and the original format had returned.

Bonding: A Boyf Riends Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now