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~Jeremy's POV~

       I browsed around the store for a little while longer, my goal completely and utterly changed from when I first walked in. Because of my decision, I wanted to make tonight perfect. I scanned the aisles for anything that might improve the atmosphere for the night. I searched aisle after aisle of useless merchandise, looking for anything even slightly romantic. I passed stuffed animals (we had more than enough of those), packs of gum (we both had braces), and even water guns (no. Just no), but found nothing worth getting.

I was about to abandon my search when something colorful caught the corner of my eye. When I turned to focus on it, I gasped. Along the wall of the store was a widespread variety of vibrant flowers, all of which let off a pleasant scent. I approached it in awe, almost unable to make my selection. There were enormous violet alliums, blooming indigo asters, soft and rosy bellflowers, and bright orange calendulas. It was almost impossible to choose.

I finally settled on a magenta flower called an azalea, as I thought it best fit Michael. The delicate petals reminded me of his soft, perfect skin, relaxing to look at and feel. The few darker spots running up the inside of the flower gave me a strong sense of whimsy and joy, just like Michael did. The aroma the flower gave off smelled fresh and sweet, which was just how I imagined his lips to be. The way it bloomed was wide and inviting, reminding me of how calming it felt to be nestled in his arms. Also, the azalea was often referred to as "the royalty of the garden" and Michael was just like royalty to me.

After a moment of admiring the bloom, I scooped up the plastic pot and scurried over to the checkout counter. While I waited in line, my brain came up with endless ways that the flower could be taken the wrong way. Would he think I was too cliché? Would he end up somehow being allergic to azaleas? Would he reject it because of his secret hatred for flowers? I forced myself to push away those thoughts, trying to focus on mainly the positive outcomes. As I placed down the flower on the counter, the cashier looked at me and smirked. I grinned shyly as she scanned the pot and punched in a few things on her screen.

"$1.02," she smiled, looking back at me. She had wavy brown hair pulled into a ponytail, with a few stray pieces hanging over her forehead. She wore a plain yellow sundress with a name tag that read "Peggy S" pinned to the front. I handed her the money and beamed, pulling the flower towards me and sniffing it lightly. She grinned at me again as she put away the money within the register.

       "Go get 'em!" She chimed, shooting finger guns at me. A rosy flush dashed across my cheeks, and I nodded with a smile. As I scurried out the exit, it occurred to me that I had nowhere to hide the flower while we rode the Raging Rapids, or put my plush prizes for that matter. I let out a small groan, looking down at the azalea. I spotted a medium-sized box laying next to a nearby trash can and, knowing I had no other option, swept over and set my items down inside. Picking up the lid that sat next to it and settling it on top, I hefted up the box and set off to browse more stores, knowing I had plenty of time to kill. It was only 4:30, which meant I had about an hour until we were supposed to meet up and ride the Raging Rapids. The fireworks started at 6:45, so I had a decent chunk of time to use up.

       As I wandered aimlessly around the shops plaza, I spotted a familiar red hoodie lurking outside of a store, gazing into the crowd. Michael met my eyes and waved me over, grinning widely. I jogged over to his location, clutching the flower's container close to my chest.

       "Hey Jer!" He greeted me as I bounded towards him. "What's in the box of mystery?" He gestured to the box in my arms, reaching to lift the lid. I held it down forcefully, hoping he didn't see any of its contents.

       "It's a secret," I loud-whispered, "and you aren't allowed to know yet."

He chuckled, his soulful brown eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

Bonding: A Boyf Riends Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now