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~Michael's POV~

"Oh my God..." Melanie's hand flew to her forehead in worry.

I'd explained to her everything that had happened, and miraculously, the mystery villain didn't find a way to stop me. We sat cross-legged on the floor, hovering over the torn pieces of the poster that she'd somehow managed to tape back together. We'd managed to avoid touching my phone, as it was rigged with a camera that would be able to watch us.

"So, are you gonna help me?" I asked.

"Whatever you need me to do, I'm on it. I don't want anything to happen to him, for all of our sakes," she gulped fearfully, running a hand through her hair. I stood up and brushed myself off, beginning to quickly think of a plan.

"Okay, I need you to go to his house, obviously. Just distract him from doing anything, and do whatever you need to do to carry that out. Also, don't touch my phone. That's pretty important," I explained in a hushed voice, pulling her to her feet. Just in case there was an audio recorder hacked into my phone, I didn't want the mysterious person hearing me.

"Anything?" She asked curiously.

       "Pretty much. Hey, try this," I suggested, reaching for something off my bed. It was a Pac-Man sweatshirt that I'd borrowed from Jeremy, and I'd forgotten to give it back to him.

       "Should I give this to him?"

I nodded. "Just say he left it at my house."

       "How will I know I can leave?" She asked anxiously.

       "I'll text you. In the meantime, try to comfort him. It'll decrease the chance of him... you know," I explained, shuddering slightly.

She smiled and started towards the door, her head held high and her shoulders back. A thought suddenly struck my head, and I grabbed her sleeve to bring her to a halt.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, running over to a secret spot under my bed. "Give this to him, just in case." I handed her a bottle of Mountain Dew Red, biting my lip. She looked down at incredulously, her eyebrows raised in doubt.

"How is this gonna help? And wasn't this discontinued or something?"

"Just try it. You'll know if it's worked," I assured her, curling her fingers around the bottle. She shot me a look that said "are you sure you aren't crazy?" and huffed, taking the bottle anyway. I smiled as she walked out, then dove for my phone.

Time to fix this.


~Jeremy's POV~

I stumbled around my room clutching my throbbing head, smashing into my bookshelf and tumbling to the ground.

Come on, Jeremy, the Squip cooed. Everything will feel so much better once it's done!

"Get out of my head!" I practically screamed, bashing my forehead against the wall. I strained to keep my arms and legs under my own control as they were flung around wildly towards the door, headed for the bathroom. I'd managed to chuck the charm Michael gave me into the room to keep it out of my reach, out of the Squip's reach. He'd already taken over my text messages and typed out things I'd never say, and I wasn't about to let him destroy me.

Bonding: A Boyf Riends Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now