Bad Bite in the Big Apple

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In New York City, there was a lot going on. After the Black Moon hit, the power was still out, there were car accidents left and right, and plenty of despair. Police Officers were still out scouting the area for citizens and getting them to safety.

A blonde wrestler with no sighs of worry was fixing his RV for his journey to his next match. The man was fine with the silence. It helps him concentrate even more. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. Hazuki and Natsuya appeared and accidentally scared the Brooklyn Brawler.


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"Sorry. Wait your World Champion Alex!!" Natsuya was starstruck by another one of his favorite wrestlers of all time.

"And what are you, some muggers? You sure did come out of nowhere." Alex prepared to fight. Hazuki tried to tell him he wasn't a mugger but, it was inevitable to get out of this one.


(Heavy Hammer- Alex's special)

Alex ended up hitting Hazuki with the Heavy Hammer leaving his head through the street. Natsuya helped Hazuki and managed to stop Alex.

"Dude, Calm Down. We're not muggers. We just came to ask for that piece you have." Natsuya reasoned with Alex. Once Hazuki was back in his right mind, Alex took him in his RV to retrieve the piece.

While Natsuya was waiting, he felt a hand going around his waist. With quick reflexes, Natsuya turned around and his eyes widened. Standing before him was the man of all their troubles: Ed.

"Hi. I couldn't help but feel a connection between you and I." Ed (along with his soldiers) was there to check out the chaos he had caused and couldn't help but see Natsuya being very attractive. Natsuya tried to ignore Ed, but he kept trying. Ed wasn't about to be ignored.

Natsuya thought Ed felt a "connection" through his Psycho Power. Natsuya did know that they something very in common.

"Look, I think you should leave." Natsuya advised Ed. Before Ed could say a word, a swift kick almost hit him in the head. That kick was (of course) from Hazuki.

"Wow, this perv is giving me a really good vibe." Hazuki came to the rescue. He's honestly been wanting to kick Ed's teeth down his throat for a while. "Hey perv, this guy belongs with me. So that makes him mine. Why don't you play somewhere else."

Ed just laughed and threw a punch. Hazuki successfully dodged and hit a spinning wheel kick. Hazuki got into his fighting stance and was ready for some fun.


"See Ya Perv!!" Hazuki was going to execute the Kaisen Dankairaku, but Ed successfully fled knowing that it wouldn't be the last time that would meet.

Once Ed left, Hazuki went to check on Natsuya. "Are you okay?"

To Hazuki's surprise, he felt Natsuya's lips pressed against his. He tensed up a little, but once Natsuya wrapped his arms around him, Hazuki melted in the kiss. That caused him to wrap his arms around Natsuya.

"What was that for?" Hazuki asked while smiling. Natsuya shrugged his shoulders. He did it "just because". It was also a thank you kiss as well. With the piece in hand, Hazuki and Natsuya went off for Thailand.

The mission was now set in motion now that all pieces were gathered.

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