chapter 2

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Danny and his friends woke up in the dark and everything was quiet. Which was surprising considering the racket Jack was making. Did he actually notice the teens pass out in the house ?!?! That would be a first.

The teenagers finally got the horrible seatbelts off and got off the couch. "Ok, I'm sure that thing has nothing to do with ghost hunting," said Sam.
"Like you'd know, Goth girl." Sneered Paulina. Danny and Tucker had to hold Sam down so that she didn't attack Paulina.
"Hey, Danny, something seems different about the house, don't you think?" Asked Jazz.

"Yeah, I can't put my finger on what." Replied Danny. "I'd say, it looks clean." Tucker input. That's when they noticed it the Fenton lab looked clean, not empty clean, just 'someone just cleaned this place' clean. "OK, someone else is here, keep your eyes open guys." Said Danny. "Why would some one be here fenturd?"

"Well, dad didn't clean this place, we were passed out and mom's not home, someone has to be here." Danny says. Everyone takes a defensive stance and begins to walk out of the lab. Just as Tucker touched the doorknob alarms blared and they heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Dash, Paulina and team phantom backed away from the door as a officer barged in, "WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING HERE?!?!" He yelled,
"Uh, sir, we live here." Tried Jazz. "Yeah, nice try kid, but there's no way in hell do you kids live here, this is a national monument!!" He exclaimed.

National monument? Did this guy get the wrong address or something? "Uh, dude, I think you have the wrong ghost lab" said Danny. "No, this is the right ghost lab. I've been working here for five years!" The guy said, well, this is just getting creepy.

"Is everything alright officer? Someone down there or something?" Called someone from outside the door. "They're some kids breaking and entering my lord, nothing serious."

"We're not breaking and entering, WE LIVE HERE!!!!" Yelled Danny.
There was another sound of footsteps on the other side and a man came to view, he wore a suit and had a dark complexion, his teal eyes visible behind his glasses, he was about 5'11" tall. And had quite a regal appearance.

"Officer, they're just kids, don't go so hard on them" the man said, "but Lord Foley,......" The officer started, "LORD FOLEY?!?!?!?!?!?!" Yelled the teenagers.
"Yes, that's............." The Man's words died down as he took in team phantom , Dash and Paulina.
"Uh..... Is that me?" He asked

"Nope, I'm Tucker Foley the one and only." Answered Tucker. "Yeah, I'm Tucker Foley too, and you guys look tiny us's"
"Us's?" Asked Sam skeptically,
"Yeah, me, Danny, Jazz, you, Dash and Paulina." He said.
"So you know all of us?" Asked Paulina.
"Well... Yeah,............... Wait what's the date?"

"That's a stupid question to ask." Said Dash. The older Tucker rolled his eyes and said,"humor me"
They said the date,
"Well, congratulations, you guys are twelve years in the future."
"WE'RE WHAT?!?!"

After explaining his statement, Tucker the older went to the couch thingy, "well, if this is one of Mr. F's inventions, we could ask Mrs. F how it works, you can go back to your time, which would be a good thing since you guys aren't used to society as it is now."

"And how exactly is it now?" Asked Jazz. "Well for one thing, ghosts and humans are living together in harmony." Everyone's mouth hung open, "but what about the ghost hunters?" Asked Sam. "They got new jobs, some became bounty hunters, they hunt criminals both human and ghost."

"Why'd the guard call you Lord?" Asked Dash. "Because I am a lord, a lord of the council of the ghost zone. " B- But h-how?" Asks Danny. "Thanks for the boost of confidence buddy, but to answer, I'd say that the king of ghost zone appointed me to be one of the highest Lords."

"The king of the ghost zone? Pariah dark escaped?" Younger Tucker asked looking panicked , "no the new king, after dark." They all had a buttload of questions but refrained. It'll only make their head hurt.

"I'll contact Mrs. F" the older Tuck said and grabbed a phone. He talked to Maddie Fenton. And came back a while later, he addressed the guard, "officer, take that couch to the palace and be careful with it." Then he turned to the teenagers, "well, us'es, I guess, I'll take you all to the castle of the ghost king."


Well, that's chapter two, sorry for the wait and more sorry for the crappy chapter.

Thankfully you people don't know my address, so you can't come to kill me.

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