chapter 8

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The group split up because of what the guard said, while young team phantom and older Sam went with older Danny, older jazz and Tucker, Pandora, Maddie, Dani and the annoying duo went with Maddie to see the machine that brought them there.

With Danny:

"So this warden guy....." Younger Danny prompted. His older self sighed and looked at young team phantom, "he's actually a pain in the butt. He doesn't come here with good news so, that's why I'm worried." Older Sam saw his distress and put a hand on his shoulder, he gave her a grateful smile.

While behind them, their younger selves blushed a very violent shade of red. The rest of team phantom chuckled as they entered a room. Inside the room,was a ghost, a ghost that they knew very well, "hello, your Majesty" the white ghost said with possibly much reluctance.

"Walker, what is it this time?" Asks older Danny, "your Majesty, the warden wishes to see you." Team phantom's eye's widened, Walker wasn't the warden? But if he wasn't it than who is?

"Well, bring him here, and make sure your boss doesn't breakdown like last time." Older Danny says with a smirk. Sam shakes her head as Walker goes out of the room possibly cursing Danny's birth in his mind.

"Wait, soooo, Walker isn't the warden?" Asked Tucker. "He used to be, I even gave him a second chance after I became king, but, he blew it, so I sorta demoted him, his boss runs the prison while he has minimal power." Older Danny says. "You also chose the new warden because you wanted to keep all the bullies in one place." Older Sam deadpanned.

"Well, that too." Danny agreed with his troublemaker smile. "Well, it is a good plan to demote him." Speculates younger Danny while his sister muses, "Is it a proper congratulations, if Danny is saying it to Danny?"

Everyone decides to unanimously ignore that. And soon the door was knocked, "come in." Ordered older Sam. And they saw a human pique his head and eventually his whole body in the room which was comical considering he had quite a large built.

The guy who got in had blond hair and green eyes, he was wearing what could be interpreted as a warden's uniform. He had a footballer's built and................ WAIT, FOOTBALLER?!?!?!?!

Team phantom stares in utter shock at the man in front of them. He was sweating nervously -something they were not accustomed to him doing- he looked at older Danny with fear if not respect - something else they weren't accustomed to him doing-

"What happened Dash?" Asked older Danny. Dash looked at the teenagers for the first time. His eyes bulged out in surprise. Before he could say anything, older Sam stopped him, "hear about them later, but first what happened?"

Older Dash nods and goes back to being extremely nervous, "W- well, you see, your Highness, there was a jailbreak......" Older Danny nods,"and?" He prompts. Somewhat irritated by older Dash's presence.

"Well, prisoner no. 333 escaped" Dash meeped. "What?" Older Danny asked for clearance, "prisoner no. 333 escaped." Dash meeped barely managing to not cry.

Older Danny blinked at Dash a couple of times and wondered if it'd be worth screaming at the man while team phantom looked confused, whoever this prisoner 333 was couldn't be good news. Jazz tried to talk, "prisoner 333?" She asked.

"Dash, leave." Older Sam gave a simple command, and Dash practically ran for his life. And while team phantom's eyes were trained at Dash's comical retreating figure, older Danny sat down on a couch and was thinking up safety precautions.

"Uh, so who is this prisoner 333?" Asked Tucker. This time older Danny spoke, "it's the fruit loop." He answers simply. "Vlad?!?!?" Asked younger Danny panicked. "Hey, don't worry, he shouldn't even be able to come in the castle, but since we're alerted, we could increase in security." Sam assured.

Older Danny made up his resolve. He stood up from where he sat and beaconed the rest to follow him. As they were behind him, jazz being the group therapist, noticed something, "hey how come Danny was so mad looking at Dash? I mean I get that he's Dash, but he looked more angry at him than is natural to be." She asked.

Older Sam smirks, "Well, Danny has this weird concept that ever since high school ended, everyone was trying to flirt with me......." She didn't get to finish, "It's not just a concept, most people do want to flirt with you." Interrupted older Danny. Sam rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Dash did actually come on to me, you know with his 'do you like quarterbacks' thing. And then the rest is history." She finished. Older Danny mumbled something unintelligible and younger Danny was waaay too embarrassed to care what he said.

They almost reached fright knight when they heard it a jaw retelling crash and a shrill scream. And it sounded like dash and Paulina.

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