chapter 4

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The three girls were looking at clockwork, but it was Sofie who decided to talk, "you're planning to do something dramatic aren't you?" Clockwork smiles at her. "When have I not been dramatic, my lady?" He questions. Then he raises his staff and presses a button on it.

"Time in" he says and suddenly, a man of appears in front of them. He was..... no way, nope can't be happening, but it was. The man in front of them was supposed to be scrawny. He was supposed to be weak.

But right there, in front of them he stood, tall, about 6 feet. He lost the glasses and the Beret, but Tucker Foley from the future was true to his name in being too fine. "Clockwork, was it really necessary to bring us in one by one?" The man asked.

When clockwork just smiled he turned towards the girls. "Oh my god are you three OK? Are you hurt? Are you injured?" He was about to start rambling when Tammy cut him off. "We're fine dad, we just fell into a wrong door is all." She said.

This seemed to jar the students back from their stupor. "That is Foley?!?!?!?!" Exclaimed dash. Older Tucker seemed to notice the students for the first time. "Oh yeah, you went back to our highschool time." He said as a matter of fact.

Older Tucker was staring wide eyed and open mouthed heck, the whole trio was staring open mouthed. Younger Tucker shook his head, "sooo, you're trying to say that, I turn into 'that' when I grow up?" He questions to no one in particular.

"What do you mean by 'that'?" Questions the older Tucker. "I mean smokin hot." Said the younger Tucker easily as his friends shook their heads fondly. "Well, hello, I am after all, Tucker Foley, prime minister of the ghost zone. Of course I look hella fine." Older Tucker said.

"Uh, Mr. Foley, could you maybe tell us a bit about the future?" Said Mr. Lancer looking intimidated. "Well, Mr. Lancer is still a teacher but he teaches in the ghost zone sometimes too." Said older Tuck.

"Hey, do I get married?" Asked younger Tucker. "I should hope so, where do you think Tammy came from?" Older Tuck jokingly says as the girls giggle.

"And that is my cue." Said clockwork  as he was messing with his staff. "Time in" he called as a woman came out of nowhere. She was wearing a Battle suit, and her face was hidden, but the trio and Valarie could take a guess at who the woman was.

She looked around and pressed a button on her wrist as the entire battle suit disappeared and she was wearing a casual shirt and jeans. Seeing her face, the class gasped.

Tammy ran to her, "mom!" She gave her a hug and then talked, "never and I mean never are ANY of you to even go near an unidentified door again." She said to the girls who easily nodded and agreed.

But Paulina being the *cough female dog cough* she is, had to ruin the moment with her voice, "Valarie?!?" Said person (both) looked up at her. The future one raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Paulina?" The older Valarie said rather bored.

"Wait I get married to him?!?!?!" Younger Valarie said incredulous. OK, maybe she overreacted, but she liked Danny for God's sake, why would she get married to his best friend?

"Yeah, turns out, once you get to know this loser, he's not half bad." Older Valarie jokes pointing at older Tucker. "Should I take that as a complement or......." Trailed off younger Tuck. Older Valarie shrugged at his question grinning.

While older Tucker was busy praising his daughter about the tech she built. "I don't know dad, it was just an one timer thing though." Tammy says. "Are you kidding me? When we get back, we're doing some heavy research on this and you'll probably be in the lead" older tuck assures his daughter as she beams.

"So, uh, anything else that's important in the future?" Asks Danny. "Oh nothing much, we do get a pretty great king for the ghost zone though." Older Valarie answers with a sly grin. "Wait a second, Tammy said something about you or me being an ambassador of the ghost zone?" Pointed out younger Valarie accusingly.

Older Valarie sighed, "yeah, after human world and ghost zone made peace, I mostly handle the public relationship between ghosts and humans, it's kinda symbolic too." She said. "Why would I ever help ghosts?" Younger Valarie practically screams not noticing Danny and Sam an Tucker flinch.

Older Valarie was however a different case, she gave an apologetic glance their way before looking her past self dead in the eye,"I used the hate ghosts but someone made me realize that not all ghosts are bad heck most of them are just bound by their obsession. Judging someone for one thing only was a very big mistake on my part and you should realize this as soon as possible."

The way she said it, made her past just want to give up ghost hunting and never hurt ghosts. She figured that she really shouldn't be so quick to judge people or ghosts for that matter. She had trusted Masters, look where that got her.

In between her inner monologue, she didn't notice the older Valarie smiling warmly at the trio and them smiling back.


So so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for the wait.

I had writers block. And i swear if I could murder writers block I would've. Not one line I wrote made any sense whatsoever.

I feel like dieing in a hole after posting such a crappy chapter. Lo siento to anyone who read this.

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