chapter 3

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When the six teenagers made it to the top of the stairs they were in for one hell of a surprise, there were four of the female species in what was supposed to be the Fenton kitchen.

The reason for it being four of the female species is that two of them were human, between the humans, one was wearing a red suit which covered her face completely. The actual only capable ghost huntress of (beside Maddie) Amitypark, was hovering on her jet board.

Next to her was another girl with straight orange/red hair she too was wearing an armored suit, it was bulkier than the other one. The girl wearing the suit was probably giving a speech to one of the ghosts in the room.

Now the first ghost of the room had blue flaming hair and a guitar strapped to her. She was the one the second human was talking to. And even though she was -as the teenagers knew- evil, she didn't seem to be harmful, in fact, she was talking the the human like a friend would.

And as for the last ghost, she had a black and white appearance, her hair is white, her eyes a glowing ghoulish green, all in all as far as team phantom was concerned she looked grown up.

The older Tucker who was in front of the teenagers hollered, "hey ladies, guess what I found?" "Tucker, I swear if it's another of your old PDAs , and you're taking it then I'll personally destroy your super computer" said the red huntress without looking, in fact, none of the women in the room spared them a glance.

"Valerie, you're a killjoy." Whined older Tucker. The younger one sighed a breath of relief when he saw his sense of humor was intact. "But it's not a PDA. Just look over here." Said older Tucker the women exparatedly looked at the teenagers and when they did their eyes became the size of tennis balls.

"A-are those...... You guys?" Asked Dani. Tucker smirked and said, "told ya I found something." "Yeah, hi, so the thing is, we might have fell into one of dad's inventions it sent us to the future." Explained Danny awkwardly.

The older people nodded..... "Soo let me get this straight, this is dipstick from how many years back?" Asked ember. "Twelve." Answered Sam uneasily. "Don't worry, I don't try to kill you guys anymore" ember reassured. Older Jazz piped in, "actually, she's basically family now." That took a moment to set in.

Then Dash interrupted, "wait, so why do you two know fenturd and his gang over here?" He asked the ghosts. Realisation crossed the future peoples face, "Right.... Danny's secret isn't out yet." Exclaimed Valerie. Team phantom looked at each other while dash and Paulina just looked confused.

"You know what let's surprise all of them, we're taking them to the castle right? So let them meet the king and then see." Suggested Dani enthusiastically. The other futures chuckled and agreed all the while the teenagers were confused.

"Surprised about what?" Asked the annoying latina. "Oh you'll see." Said older Tucker mischievously. And so the teenagers began their journey to the phantom kings castle. Then out of nowhere, younger Jazz asked, "hey guys, so uh, where is the castle anyway?"

"Oh you didn't know, it's in the phantom zone " answered Valerie. "So isn't the portal in the basement?" Asked Sam. "Well there is that one, but the one at Tucker's is more stable and it goes directly to the phantom castle." Answered ember.

"Phantom castle?" Asked young Jazz. "Did I say phantom castle? I meant phantom King's castle." Ember said nervously. The teenagers nodded unconvinced but decided not to say it. If the futures wanted to surprise them, there must be a good reason as to why right? (No not really)

When they got out, even Dash had to admit that he was amazed, whoever made the peace between humans and ghosts had done a very decent job. outside of Fenton workshop, was a super market, but here's the thing, there were ghosts and humans going in and going out without so much as a second glance at each other.

Needless to say they were amazed. "Oh I just remembered!" Said Dani, "Danny, your secret is totally toast, at least to these two" she said pointing at dash and Paulina. "B-but why?!?!" Asked Danny alarmed. "Oh don't worry dipstick, they can barely cause you any harm." Ember ensured which wasn't very ensuring the team phantom.

"So is the ghost boy still around?" Asked Paulina. The futures mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'she doesn't change at all' older Tucker and younger Tucker both had their face deep in their own PDA. Though, older Tucker's does look more techy.

"Oh, people look the meeting is starting." Said Tucker. "We should get to your car, then we could all watch" suggested Valarie. "What meeting?" Asked Sam. The adults looked at her funny and then said.... " the queen of ghost zone has a meeting with the president of America, it's one of the more important ones. And we should watch."

Then they reached a car, well if you could still call it that with all the heavy protection gear and the tech that could be seen from the outside. The teens scrambled inside and found that it's actually pretty comfy. Even though there are a lot of people in it. Older Tucker and older Jazz took the driver and passenger seat.

Behind them sat Paulina, Dash, Dani and Ember and the original trio sat in the back. After everyone sat down, Tucker turned on the TV on the dashboard which really should've been smaller. And they watched the meeting.


*looks at the mirror* wait, I'm alive?!?! Wow, I really should post a chapter. Oh look at that I did.

Also thanks to @Olympian_NightJay  for the awesome cover. I seriously needed help with the cover.
Anyway hope the chapter's worth the wait.

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