chapter 4

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As the teenagers made themselves comfortable in older Tucker's car, Tucker turned on the screen and even though it's a TV inside a car, they could see the screen .older Jazz turned the TV on.

All eyes inside the car except Tucker was on the TV they saw a reporter saying introduction from in front of the white house. The reporter had long black hair, with greenish eyes and a winning smile she looked Hispanic......... Wait....... Is that?

"We are coming to you live from in front of the white house. And inside the queen of the ghost zone is having a meeting with the president about allowing ghost children in school with human children. The queen herself came the meeting thinking of the children and currently the president and the Queen are debating the pro's and Con's of the arrangement. If this meeting succeeds, it would be another great leap towards the human ghost coexistence......"

"Is that me?!?!?! Shrieked Paulina. Everyone else was stunned. Paulina looked actually smart. And she's not badmouthing anyone...... How's that even happening? " yeah that's you." Replied older Jazz. "But don't be too happy, you're just reading from cards." Said Valarie.

The cameras panned towards the building and cut to inside it in a meeting room. There was a guy who had balding white hair and he looked to be around fifty. He was engrossed in an intense conversation with the woman in front of him the woman was wearing a violet coat and she had shoulder length black hair. (Like the media only without the gun and more diplomatic)

The woman had her back to the camera so the teenagers couldn't see her but they had a feeling that the futures did. And the meeting continued. The pasts didn't understand much about what was being said except maybe Jazz, but that's jazz. Everyone was so engrossed in the TV they didn't even realize when Tucker started driving. And the rest of the drive was peaceful. Though they didn't see the face of the Queen.

After a while older Jazz sighed and the pasts figured that the meeting was success. "So.... Uh what happened?" Asked dash being ever the idiot. "The meeting was a success." Answered ember shortly. "What exactly was the meeting?" "Well, by this meeting, the queen made sure that the ghost children can study in the human world with the human children, and if the human children want, they could study in the ghost zone too"

"They can?" Asked Paulina. "Yeah, some ghosts like technus for example, can teach the kids loads. Plus, they can learn so much about the ghost zone too." Answered Dani. "Technus will teach kids without trying to kill them?" Asked Danny unsurely. "Well, his intro's maybe long and dragged, but he knows a lot about technology." Answered Valarie.

Team phantom nodded while dash and Paulina were confused as to why the losers and Jazz knew another ghost. And all too soon the comfy car ride was over and they made it to a stop. The futures got out first the pasts followed. They're jaws hit the ground from what they saw outside.

There wasn't a house, there was a castle waiting for them. In front of the castle was a big garden, full of rose bushes and fountains and all. They had to walk about thirty yards to the actual castle which was actually larger than Vlad masters castle. The doors were opened by two gatekeepers.

As they got in, it amazed them even more, it's not that the house was adorned in useless things or momentous, no, actually it was heaven for techno geeks, there were so many automated machinery, and then the fact that even after being so huge the house by no means looked empty....

Well, Paulina briefly considered giving up on the ghost boy and going out with Tucker. "Welcome to my humble abode." Said Tucker. "This is humble?" Sam asked incredulously. "Well, I do have to work Sam, and taking care of the entire ghost zone's network -that was created by moi- takes up house space." Answered older Tucker.

The rest of the pasts just looked stunned. "Well, we would give you a tour of this place, but it would ruin some parts of the surprise." Said Dani. "Also, I think, you guys will like to have a tour of the phantom King's castle better." For the teens, it was hard to believe that this is not the castle of a king. With all the glamour and all that you'd think, this belongs to the king of technoland.

But they decided not to argue and got in the castle all the while aweing at the view around them, it occurred to Sam and Danny that, they didn't know what happened to them in the future, but decided to ask that later.

And they went straight to what looked to be a empty room with a very techy door on the other side of the room. The door itself was made of metal contrasting the rest of the house's decor. "Uh Tucker, what is that door?" Asked younger Jazz nervously.

"That Jazz, is the portal to the ghost zone." Answered Valarie. The teenagers stared awestruck. Compared to the Fenton portal this thing is downright convenient. Tucker went to a button next to the portal and pressed it.

"Ladies and gentlemen and dash of the past, I present to you the new and improved ghost zone of the future." Older Tucker said in announcer voice and the doors opened.


Looks up, see that? That is a new chapter, Nusratjahan119, hah! I did it, two updates in two days!!!!

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