chapter 3

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The younger girl came forward first, "hi! I'm Sofia the second princess of the ghost zone!!" She said with a grin. The look on the students faces were priceless the older girl clutched her stomach and began to laugh.

"Oh my god your faces...." She laughs. "But she's a human!!" Exclaimed a random student from the back. "Well, she's only halfway dead." Mumbled the older girl. None but the trio and Valarie heard her.

"She's half ghost? You mean she's like the little girl I saw a few days ago?" Questioned Valarie. "Hey! Not so much little thank you very much!!" Said the older girl. "What?!?!" Came from Danny. "Hey, yeah, so I'm Dani that's Dani with an I and I'm the first princess of the ghost zone." The older girl said.

The entire class was silent. Valarie and the trio's mouth was agape. After a while, Tucker -too fine- Foley came out of the trance. "Y- you're Dani?!?!?" He exclaimed. "Yup." Tucker slumped back in his seat.

"But, how are you a princess?" Asked Sam as far as she knew Dani didn't actually have parents - per say. "Well, the king of the ghost zone kinda..... Well, adopted me?" She said awkwardly. "Ookkaayy." Drawed Valarie.

"Wait, how did she become half ghost?" Sneers Dash. "My parents are both halfas so, I'm actually the first halfa that is born a halfa." Answered Sofia. "Wow, that's a lot of half dead people." Mutters Danny.

Suddenly there was a cry of "YES!!! YES I'VE DONE IT!!!!" From Tammy. "What exactly did you do Ms. Tammy?" Asked Lancer. "I got it to work!!! Now we could call home!!" Exclaimed Tammy. "You got it to work?!?!" Asked Sofia. "Yes I did."

"I'll call dad." Tammy said as she pressed a few buttons on her phone and placed it on the ground. A thin screen on light appeared from the phone. There was static and when it cleared, the class and the girls who were on the same side of the screen thing, saw a man talking to a few ghost guards.

"You are absolutely sure that you checked sector 7 and 9 thoroughly?" Asked the man who had his back to the class. "We're absolutely sure sir, they aren't there." Came the answer from a ghost guard. The girls exchanged an uneasy glance. Leave it to their parents to turn this into a nation wide search.

They saw the guards leave in a trance fix. And then, "hey dad?" Called Tammy. The man turned around. "TAMMY! DANI! SOFIE! Where have you three been?" He said as he made his way to the hologram thing. The guy looked much like Tammy he had teal eyes and the same complexion, and then the students realized who the guy actually is.

"Tucker?" Called out Danny in a small voice. The guy looked at him and finally saw where the girls were. He sighed, "you went through an unidentified door didn't you?" He questioned. "Uh, yeah, so maybe just send clockwork and not an entire army to get us, then....." Sofie trailed off.

"Well, I'm going with him, and so is Valarie, then your parents are coming with us too." He finalized. The girls had to agree to that. "Stay exactly where you are." The older Tucker said and the hologram cut off.

"Ok, so, Mr. Lancer, it's OK if we wait here a while right?" Asked Dani. "Uh, yes, sure" Lancer said lamely. "So, Dani, was that really me?" Asked Tucker. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, the prime minister of the ghost zone." Dani said softly as if to reassure him. The poor boy was still too surprised to comprehend what happened.

And then suddenly there was a "TIME IN" and the students were surprised to see a pale blue ghost in front of them. The trio saw Valarie visibly flinch. And since they knew that the ghost wasn't there to mean any harm, they were taught like a bowstring to stop her in case she decided that her patience to ghosts only extended to halfas.

"Ms. Grey, I mean absolutely no harm, you don't have to attack me." The blue ghost said calmly. "How do I know I can trust you?" The ghost raised an eyebrow, "I control time itself, if I meant harm to you, you wouldn't have been born." He said chuckling.

"CLOCKWORK!!!!" The girls yell and hug him. "Hello, my ladies, you three have been giving your parents quite the fright." The ghost admonishes them. The girls look down and mutter sorry. The class look in astonishment how the girls treat the controller of time like..... Well, basically a grandfather.

"Uh, hey, clockwork? They're really the princesses and the prime minister's daughters?" Asked a certain ghost boy. "Ah! Yes they are young Daniel." Answered clockwork. "How come the ghost knows the loser?" Asks dash. "He is by no means a loser warden, in fact, if I'm correct, he'll be coming here from the future, so you should be careful of what you say." Said Dani menacingly.

"As if he's someone important." Scoffed Paulina. the boy in question looked down while Sofie and Dani practically growled. "Oh, the future can be very surprising." Mused clockwork clearly annoyed by Paulina. "Oh, I should bring your parents, they wanted to be here." He said to the girls.


Aaaand chapter 3 is a wrap people. I'm really sorry for the wait.

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