chapter 2

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The girls woke up in a broken down building in Amitypark. At first they were disoriented, but then they remembered where they were, they thanked their lucky stars that nobody found them.

Then of course Tammy was working on her phone, "what are you doing tams?" Asked Sofie, "well, if I could just make this chip work then maybe we could contact dad or someone...." Answered Tammy distracted. The other two girls looked eager.

Sofie watched Tammy tinker with the phone for a while, then she and her sister realized that they didn't have food, Dani had some spare cash on her so she decided to go out to get something.

After a while she returned with some chips and apples. The girls sat down and ate. Tammy almost got the phone to work when Dani had to say, "man I wish we were with dad right now."

And just as both the halfas had gotten their uncle Tuck's miraculous luck, there was barely a whisper..... "So you have wished it, so shall it be....."

The girls were whisked away and all they saw was black was before their visions cleared. And when that happened, they had realized one thing, all three of them. Were doomed.


The day was normal for the students of Casper high students. Well, as normal as it gets for a school in the ghost capital of the world.

Dash bullying people, Danny taking the beating for them, Mr. Lancer not taking Dash's offences into account, box ghost coming a few times yelling BEWARE. Remember how I said the day was normal, well, it was.

You see even at Amitypark it's kinda weird when three girls just fall inside a class out of nowhere. The student body of Mr. Lancer's class was staring curiously at the three girls who supposedly fell through the roof. They scrambled up and all of them were in battle stance.

The students saw the girls one was older approximately of twenty, she had dark black hair and baby blue eyes, she was wearing a white tee shirt with the Danny phantom logo over that she had a black jacket and she was wearing black jeans.

The next girl was more close to being six or seven. She had a slightly darker complexion, her eyes were teal, and her hair was a curly black. She was wearing a light blue shirt and green pants. Her watch was something that looked kinda techy, but not many paid much attention to it.

And the final girl was also six or seven, she was - in a word - adorable. Her hair was like the first girl's and her eyes were violet. She was wearing a purple jumpsuit with black stripes at the sides, she also had  a logo on it but it was more akin to an S and a P fused together.

"Pride and prejudice! Where did you three come from?" Exclaimed Lancer. The girls turned to look at him and relaxed, "oh it's just you Mr. Lancer." Exhaled the jumpsuit girl. "You..... Know me?" Lancer asked.

"Well, duh, you're our teacher sooo....." The other younger girl said it as if it should be obvious. The students looked at her confused, how can he teach them if he doesn't even know them?  The older girl facepalmed, "we're in the past Tammy, he doesn't even know you exist."

This got everyone's attention, "you're from ......the future?" Asked Mikey. The girls looked at him, "well at least doc's got a good idea of things." Said the purple eyed girl. "He's a doctor?! I don't believe it" said Dash. "Well, he's been treating us for as long as I can remember." Shrugged Tammy.

"And you'd be surprised at what happens at the future, warden." Said the older girl ominously. "Warden?" Squeaks Danny. "Yeah da..nny, he's the warden of the ghost zone after Walker was..... Demoted." Said the older girl.

"I'M THE WARDEN OF THE GHOST ZONE?!?!?" Screamed Dash. "Jeez, don't get too excited about it." Said Tammy rubbing her ears. "Excuse you, how can you not see that it's a very big thing?" Sneers Paulina.

" well when you're the daughter of the ghost zone's prime minister, you get kinda used to seeing the warden." Everyone stared wide eyed at the the girl, "so you mean to tell me that your father is the prime minister of the ghost zone?" Asks Sam incredulously.

"Yup. Oh and did I mention my mom's the ambassador of the ghost zone?" Tammy says. Behind her the purple eyed girl mumbled something to the older girl who laughed.

"Well, are you two going to introduce yourselves?" Asks lancer He's still quite shaken up. The two girls shrug as Tammy finds a quiet corner to tinker with her phone.


Well, this is the second chapter.

Peace love and potatoes.

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