chapter 9

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Team phantom , older Danny and Sam raced towards the shrill scream. There were times when older Danny wished that his house was small, or at least normal sized. This was one of those times. As much as time it took to reach the mechanics room- which wasn't much- Danny both of them had successfully worried themselves sick.

As the older halfa slammed open the door the annoying people of the room had practically wet themselves. And the reason was very apparent. There in front of them stood or floated a ghost, to the pasts, he looked different but they could never mistake the ghost for anything else,

In front of them was Vlad plasmius, or Vlad Masters or the Wisconsin ghost, whatever you prefer, the point is he was in front of them and he looked scarier than ever. Older Danny opened his mouth, "hey, fruit loop, is that a new hair cut?" He asks in mock enthusiasm.

"Hello Daniel, it has been a long time." Replied Vlad. "Dude, it's been only three month." Exclaimed future Tucker. "Yeah, it probably wouldn't be a long time even if it's a few thousand years." Older Sam finished. Older Danny made a mental note to not let Dash handle Vlad's imprisonment.

"Oh, you wound me young queen, it seems, your dearest husband is rubbing off on you" Vlad says as their younger counterparts blush for the umpteenth time that day and Paulina scoffs at the mention of their marriage.

"Oh, no, it has nothing to do with Danny, I just really hate you."said older Sam with an innocent smile. And then she added, " now if you'd kindly go away from my mother in law and my daughter, we'd be golden. "

Vlad moved further upwards to reveal an unconscious Maddie Fenton and Dani behind him. "So, Vlady, what's the plan this time? Kill dad? Destroy property? Taking over the world?" Older Danny asked with his hands crossed across his chest. Dash and Paulina was still amazed at how he could speak to the ghost without having his knees shake in terror.

They weren't about to point that out and get the ghost to notice them though, in fact, it seemed the ghost didn't even realize that the pasts were in the same room. Team phantom, though in a defensive stance, didn't draw attention to themselves. It was probably better if Vlad didn't notice them.

"Actually Daniel, I'm here only to kill you" Vlad said. "Well, you're halfway late." Said older Jazz. Vlad didn't bother with more witty banter and decided to just lunge at older Danny who was of course ready. He dodged the attack and started to advance with his own.

Older Tucker and younger Danny managed to get Maddie and Dani out of the room. And the rest of the futures managed the herd the rest of the pasts out. Younger Danny wanted t go to the fight, to help older Danny but it didn't look necessary, older Danny was winning and it was apparent.

Everything was going smoothly........ Too smoothly, there was something nagging at the back of younger Danny's mind. This was Vlad they're talking about, the fruit loop always has a plan, why would he attack Danny in his own home turf with no plan, nope, he definitely has something up his sleeve.

He wanted to warn his counterpart but seeing that he himself had figured it out, shouldn't the other Danny also figure things out? Does that even make sense? He shook his head and from far away looked inside the room where Vlad and older Danny now in phantom mode. - how dash and Paulina managed to not see him change was beyond Danny -, seemed to be taking a breath.

He saw Vlad say something and smirk, he saw older Danny's eyes widen and finally saw Vlad standing up and seemingly take stance for something. Vlad took a deep breath
And then.........

Everyone looked at the doorway confused, the younger team phantom looked utterly shocked by what Vlad did. Even Danny inside the room looked stunned and then.........

he fell off laughing. He was literally clutching his sides and laughing his guts out. Because Vlad had screamed, and not just a little scream, nope, he did a full blown shriek. (He was trying to do the ghostly wail.)

And then slowly one by one everyone burst out laughing, Vlad spluttered, "b-but, it worked in the prison!!" He seemed to whine. Older Danny somehow controlled his laughter and managed to suck the plasmius in a Fenton flask.

And after that they did a damage check to find the inner room absolutely trashed, and the time machine - couch thing was broken. Even to the inexperienced eyes of Dash and Paulina it was apparent that it was beyond any type of repair.


Readers: hey, look, its her, get her!!!

Me: wait wait wait please listen....

Readers: what is it?

Me: I was sick like really sick, bedridden sick. And I'm really sorry. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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