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Make sure to read the A/N at the end if you want to be a part of my story!!!

It seemed like minutes...hours even. We just stood there and hugged. I couldn't believe it. My sister was here at camp Kikiwaka. That's why Lou felt awkward. She needed to make sure it was all true before she told me. "I'm so sorry I was mad at you," I whispered.
"It's ok," she replied. "I'm sorry I switched cabins. I'll come back now." She separated us. "Im going to tell
everyone at breakfast that we won't be coming back for a while. We need to catch up." I nodded smiling.

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      Lou and I sat on her bed as we went through an album with pictures of Lou and her (well actually, my) family. I didn't recognize my parents or my home.
     "Did you ever meet me as a baby?" I asked.
     "I think so... I don't really remember," she thought to herself. "I do have a vague memory of my parents leaving me with my grandma while they went out somewhere. And then they came home crying." So my parents did care about me... The thing is, if they really did, wouldn't they find a way to afford me?
     "Anyway, I called our parents yesterday, and they're coming down tomorrow for visiting day to talk to you!" I took a deep breath. Tomorrow would be the first time in my life I'd meet my real parents. "Would you want to move back in with us?" She asked.
     "Yes!" I exclaimed. "I think?.... I don't know..." I sighed and looked down. "This all happened so fast."
     Lou nodded. "I understand. You can talk to them on visiting day and then make your decision whenever you're ready." I still couldn't believe it.. the girl I got mad at for judging me, was actually my sister...

     Lou took Lauren outside. I could tell this wasn't going to end well. Griff and I pressed our faces against the glass window trying to hear them.
     "Are you sure we should be eavesdropping?" Tiffany asked.
     "Shhh!!" I glared. I couldn't make out any full words. All I saw was Lauren gasp and they started hugging. Then Lou came back into the mess hall and Lauren stayed outside.
     "What was that?" I asked.
     "Guys, I have something to tell you," Lou said quietly. "You know how Lauren has an older sister?" We all nodded. "Well we just found out....I'm her sister."  We all gasped. "Yeah I know," Lou said impatiently. "So we won't be coming back to breakfast because we need to figure things out." We all nodded understandingly. Lou thanked us and walked out.
     "Wow!" Griff exclaimed. "I can't believe Lauren's sister is Lou!" We all agreed.
     "I mean they kind of look alike," I pointed out.
     "Are you kidding?!" Tiffany yelled. "For one thing, Lauren's facial symmetry is much higher than Lou's, and the basic profile is no more than a 70% resemblance!" We looked at her confused. "Um... I mean, yeah they do!"

     Lauren and I went into Gladys's room and got her paperwork. "I don't know how this got by Gladys!" I exclaimed. "How many people have the last name Hockhauser?" Lauren shrugged.
     "Oh yeah, about that... is it ok if I keep my last name?" She asked.
     "Of course!" I assured her putting my hand on her shoulder. "I understand I this is hard for you. I've known about it for a few days, so I've had time to process it. Take all the time you need.
     "Thanks," Lauren whispered and twiddled her thumbs. I couldn't even imagine how hard this is for her. Everything in her life has been so complicated. I hope after this everything will go back to normal. Oh who am I kidding? This will never be normal. I just need to do my best to make Lauren feel like part of the family.
     After a few minutes, Lauren went to the lake to hang out with Zuri and Griff. This gave me an opportunity to call my parents. I dialed the number and nervously out my phone to my head. I waited a few seconds, and then heard a voice
     "Hey Lou! Why are you calling?" I heard my mom.
     "I need to talk about Lauren."
     "Oh yeah! About that! I can't wait to meet her. I talked to our lawyer and he is working on the papers to make Lauren officially part of the family."
     "Mom, Lauren doesn't know if she wants to live with us," I waited patiently for her reaction.
     "This all happened so fast, give her some-"
     "No! She lives in a home for depressed children! She needs to have a home to call her own!"
     "I think she likes living there."
     "No she doesn't!" My mom snapped. "Maybe she thinks she does, but that's only because she's never been a part of a family! She's my daughter. I've lost so much time with her, I need to gain it back somehow." I sighed.
     "I get it," I said. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I hung up and the phone and took a deep breath. Tomorrow would be a really long day.

A/N- thanks for reading! If you want to be a character in the visiting day chapter, comment! I'll be adding a bunch of people to either be family members or other campers so make sure to comment!

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