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    I was sitting on the front porch of Grizzly when I saw Lauren running into Gladys's office. Had she made a decision? I immediately stood up and ran to her. "Laur!" I called. She stopped and turned to me.
     "Hey Griff I can't talk right now," she turned back around and started walking.
     "Wait!" I called as I grabbed her shoulder.
     "Did you make your decision?" I asked. She took a deep breath and nodded. "And...?" I asked eagerly.
"I'm sorry," Lauren started. "I just can't tell you until after I tell my parents." And with that, she turned and kept walking.


     Sure I felt bad for blowing Griff off like that, but my parents had to be the first ones to find out. I just wasn't sure how they'd react. I pushed open Gladys's office door. She was sitting on her couch with a pillow that had a picture of Morgan Ross on it.... she quickly stuffed it under her seat when she saw me.
     "Um...hi Lisa," she said awkwardly.
     "Lauren," I corrected.
     "Right sorry Lorelei, so how much of that did you see?"
     "Too much," I shuddered. She groaned.
     "Well whadya want?"
     "I made my decision about my parents," I sighed.
     "Ok, I'll get em." She stood up and walked off. I sat on the couch patiently waiting to decide my fate.


     I was sitting with my parents in the cabin they were staying in overnight when Gladys came in. "Hey Lucy wants to talk to you guys," she said and immediately walked out. My parents looked at me confused.
     "She means Lauren, she's not good with names," I explained. Thy nodded and followed me to Gladys's office. Lauren was sitting on the couch with her hands folded. I sat next to her.
     "Hey Laur what's up?" I asked.
     "I made my decision..." she whispered. My moms eyes grew wide. My dad froze in his place.  We all crowded her. "I've been thinking about this a lot, and honestly, I think the best thing I could do for myself is..."

     "Zuri! Zuri!" I heard from outside Woodchuck.
     "Griff?" I called. Griff threw himself into the cabin. He began gasping. In between gasps, he told me the news.
     "Zuri... Lauren... she...she made her...decision," he managed to utter.
     "What?!" I exclaimed. "What's she doing?"
     "I dunno. She's going to tell Gladys now." I shoved him out of the way and sprinted to Gladys's office. I saw Lauren in the window and pressed my ear against the building. I couldn't hear much, but what I heard was enough.
      "I've decided to go with you guys."

A Summer to Remember- A Bunk'd story- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now