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Ok maybe I overreacted earlier. Yeah, I definitely did. So yeah just pretend that never happened please. Whoops. The truth is I was just jealous. Lauren seemed really nice. Zuri, on the other hand, I wasn't sure about yet.
She was a fine person, but everything that came out of her mouth was either sarcastic or rude. And she makes fun of Tiffany and I for being smart. I had to put up with her though because she was Lauren and Griff's friend. I tried my best to be nice. Woodchuck was really crowded, so they put me with the Foxes which is right across from Woodchuck.
     In Fox cabin, I met this girl named Carlee. She seemed pretty cool.
     "Hey," I said the first time I saw her, she looked up from a letter she was writing.
     "Hey, who are you?" She asked.
     "I'm Clara, and I'm new to camp." She introduced herself and I got to know her better.

Clara seems really nice, but to be honest, we don't have much in common. She's friends with the Rosses though so we have some of the same friends

(Scene change)

     I sat in the cabin with Zuri. "What do I do?" I asked. She sighed.
     "I mean, I would go with them." I was definitely leaning towards that option, but I just couldn't make such a huge commitment. What if it didn't work out?
     "What if it's weird that I'm adopted?" I asked. "I mean, I know I'm not really, but I bet I'm nothing like the family."
     "Lauren, remember I'm adopted too! It's just like having a real family." Zuri reminded me. I nodded. Suddenly, I felt a surge of energy in my stomach. I don't know why, but I had knew what I had to do.
     "I'll see you around Zuri," I said as I walked out of woodchuck and into Gladys's office....

A/N- hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm going to try to be more active! Hope you enjoy! Comment predictions

A Summer to Remember- A Bunk'd story- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now