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The last week has been horrible. Peacekeepers marching in. Many of them. Bin and I have spent almost all extra time together, because we are afraid that I will get reaped and never come back. If either of us have to go, we still both have a huge chance of making it home though. We can hunt. Really well too.

Right now I am standing in the middle of the square in a long black dress. Everyone is wearing black, but a few people who probably didn't get the memo. We all stand here and wait. Wait for some silly girl to dance around on stage and draw our names out of a glass ball. I cannot even imagine what is going threw people's minds, like Effie Trinket's a while ago. She is currently living in the Capitol, and is one of the District Twelve Managers.

I look back at Bin, hoping to catch his eye, but not succeeding. I am truly nervous and do not believe that I will be in District Twelve in an hour. As I was expecting, a girl with bright yellow hair that is cut in a pixie cut, and a boy with very bright blue hair run on the stage, tagging each other screaming, "Your it!" every time they do.

The word. "Ew." Manages to escape my lips, causing the boy next to me, Talmex, to laugh. Immediately the girl turns in our direction. The audience is so quiet you could hear a pin drop, definitely an 'ew' and a laugh.

"Who laughed!" She yells. The boy just stares us down with wide eyes. "I asked, who laughed." She says in a more calm voice.

Talmex gulps and steps forward. "I did, I'm so sorry. I wasn't laughing at you two. I was laughing because... because..."

"Because why? You little brat!" The boy yells.

Talmex thinks for a second then says, "Because my aunt has the same skirt. It is really nice. I visit her once a year."

The girl smiles and looks down at her yellow tu-tu, rubbing it between her fingers. "Oh really?" She giggles. Then the smile fades. "No. Your lying. My personal designer made this for me!"

"No! I guess they are just similar then." Talmex cries.

She looks at one of the peacekeepers. "Minno? Please teach District Twelve that they shouldn't lie." The boy smiles beside her her as the peacekeeper nods his head.

"I'm so sorry." I say to Talmex, expecting public humiliation. Not the bullet that goes threw his head. I gasp and look away from the blood. But that doesn't make the splatters on my face vanish. This is when I realize that things really are never going to be the same.

"Get rid of him!" Yells the boy with the blue hair. A few more peacekeepers nod and drag away Talmex's now limp body. The girl with the yellow hair claps her hands together a few times to get our attention.

"Hello people of District Twelve. My name is Sunshine, and this is my brother, Smiles." I wonder why these names sound fake and ironic to me... ha that's because hey are! I think. The boy waves at us quickly.

"Welcome to the first ever Paylor Games!" Smiles yells. These two names really are ridiculous. "We will not be your guys' escorts, just the announcers of District Twelve. This is new."

"Well, lets get started!" Sunshine shrieks. "Ladies first." She steps up toward a huge glass bowl and places her hand in. She swings her wrist around and picks one carefully. "Let this be a good one!" She smiles.

Smiles leans forward and reads the slip. "Cilly Fillinn!" Oh no! Anyone but Cilly! There is no way she could survive the arena. She couldn't even hold her weapon for long. And no boy will want to marry her, because he will have to take care of her.

I watch as Cilly walks forward, teary eyed, from the hospital section. "Oh that's too bad." Smiles says. That statement makes me want to go up there and punch him.

The Paylor Games~Katniss' daughter (The next book is sorta up!)Where stories live. Discover now