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I cough loudly as I walk down the stairs of the my house. I struggle to keep my eyes open as I reach the kitchen where all the boys are. I wrap my arms around myself to try and stay warm, getting colder and colder. I was sick and there was no escaping that. I coughed again before I was able to get out the words "good morning" groggily. "Are you okay?" my brother asks asks, concerned as he comes closer. The boys soon join him and step closer. I look down to the ground and cover a sneeze. "No" I whine with a nasally voice. "You sound sick" He says with a hint of sympathy in his voice. He came over and before he hugged me I backed away. "I don't want to get you sick" I cough. He half smiles at me and rubs his hand on my arm. "Now, you guys have to go to the studio today." I say, trying to be joyful and putting on a small smile. "No, not if you're sick y/n" Corbyn argues while looking at all the boys. "Ya, Corbyn right. We don't need to go!" Jonah agrees as he looks at Corbyn and nods. "Nope, you guys are going, no excuses, I'll be fine." I nod while walking off. Jack runs up to me and grabs my arm. "You sure?" He asks quietly. "I'm sure" I smile and hug him. "Hey, won't I get sick?" He asks, laughing quietly. "Maybe" I shrug "but that just means I'll get to spend more time with you" I blush as I turn around again, leaving him confused.

1 hour later

I settle into the couch with like ten blankets on top of me when I hear the door open. "Y/N..I'M HOME" I hear Corbyn shout from the entry hall. I would shout back but, my throat hurts too much. "In here" I just say quietly, hoping that he'll hear me. I hear footsteps come closer and closer, soon I see Jack walking towards the couch. "Hi" I whisper as I snuggle into the blankets. "Hi" he says, chuckling. "What are you doing home?" I ask curiously while tilting my head. "I wanted to come take care of seemed really sick." Corbyn says as he sits down on the short table in front of the couch and me. "Corbyn..." I start to protest only to be interrupted. "The boys said I could leaver early, they'll be there for the rest of the day. "Thank you Corbyn but, you didn't have to" I start. "Yes I did" he argues almost instantly as he start to stand up. "Are you warm enough?" He asks while leaning down closer to me. "Ya, I think the ten blankets are enough" I chuckle. "Do you need anything else?" He asks sweetly. Now,it's must've been a mix of the cold medicine and lack of sleep but what I said next was something I've wanted to say for almost a year "Kiss me". His lips crash onto mine without hesitation and as our lips move together I pull him closer. We keep kissing until we needed to breathe and eventually but hesitantly pulled away.

We both look at each other and smile goofily. "If you couldn't tell I uh I really like you Corbyn" I admit with a cough in between my words. "I kinda like you too, if that wasn't obvious by the way I kissed you." He says as he puts his hand on my cheek. I smile at him as I place my hand on his. "You might get sick now though" I laugh quietly. "That's okay, but, in that case, do you have any room under those blankets?" He asks as he runs his hand though my hair. "Definitely" I state happily. He climbs in beside me, under the blanket. I snuggle into him as he holds me closer and suddenly I'm warmer than I've been all day. "Being sick isn't bad when you're around" I say as we fall asleep in each other's arms.

I kept thinking about that episode in wizards of waverly place when Alex and Mason kissed in the rain when I wrote this....
For: averysgurl

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