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*3 Weeks Later*

Louis and Liam are sitting across the table from me and Brad. I thought that Brad would not have liked me being friend with Louis but in fact he is more of a friend with Louis then I am. Louis, Liam and Brad are the best of buds I have ever seen.

Right now they are debating on who the best superhero is.

“Clearly Batman is the best just because he is Batman.”

“Yeah but he can’t fly, if he was Batman then he could fly like a bat. The Human Torch is the best, I mean Johnny Storm is literally on fire.”

“You two are amateurs, Superman puts the ‘super’ in super heroes.”

The three of them continue to argue.

“Who is your favorite superhero Carla?” Liam asks.

The three of them turn their attention to me.

“I am sorry to dissapoint you guys but my favorite is Captain America. But I think that is something else about British boys.”

The three of them chuckle. Brad wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. Before anyone can say anything more the waitress comes with our food.

“I don’t know about you guys but I am starving. Liam and I never get to eat much back at the house, the food is usually in Niall’s stomach.” Louis says.

The four of us start to laugh again. I don’t really know Niall much but from the couple of times I have met him I have realized that his appetite is never ending.

We start to eat for a few minutes in silence. When conversation starts again it’s somehow makes its way to future plans. Liam and Louis talk about how they hope the band continues. Of course Brad talks about how he wants to be an athlete. Finally I am the last one again.

“I want to be a writer.”

“Do you need any help finding a publisher? I know that we may not know a lot of people right now but maybe I can talk with Simon.” Liam says.

Brad chuckles, he knows about my book.

“Actually I don’t need any help, my first book comes out in February.”

Both Liam and Louis are surprised at my news. The only people I have told so far are my mum, Zachary and Brad. The two of them start to congratulate me.

As Liam shakes my hand I notice Louis playing on his phone.

“What are you doing mate?” Liam asks.

“I am searching on Amazon to see if I can order an advance copy of her book. Your name is spelled C-a-r-l-a B-o-n-d right?”

“It is but you will not find the book by searching my name. Me and my publisher agreed to use a pen name.”

I see a look of confusion on their faces.

“Basically I used a different name to write the book.” I explain. “If you look up Cora Bound you can find some information about the book but I doubt that there is much about it online.”

Louis’s phone starts to ring. He talks for a little bit and then turns to Liam.

“That was Harry. He wants to rehearse some.”

Liam nods his head yes.

Louis talks for a little bit longer and then hangs up.

“I’m sorry guys but Liam and I have to get back.”

Liam and Louis pay their part of the bill and leave. Brad and I stay and finish eating.

“You haven’t talked much about Zayn. Are the two of you okay?”

I don’t want to tell Brad the real reason I have been avoiding Zayn. I tell him what I have used as an excuse for the past few months.

“He has been busy with X Factor and you know how crazy my schedule has been. Between work and the book and spending time with you the only other thing I have time for is sleep. Besides when he is not rehearsing he is with Lori.”

“I think he would make time for his friend. Maybe we can go on a double date with him and Lori sometime.”

I am not sure that it would be a good idea but I have the feeling that Brad is a little suspicious. I just nod my head yes and keep eating my food.

Writing Music ( A Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now