Clean Slate

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        My job could not be better for me at River Island. I even got asked to work at corporate level but I turned down the job and continued to be manager at my store instead. I had no use for the extra money especially since my book has become so popular that there is a waiting list at every bookstore to get a copy even though the book has been out for months.

        Even though I have donated most of my royalties from the book to charity I still have a good enough chunk left to support me the rest of my life if I wanted to. I have a separate bank account that I keep all that extra money in just in case I need it.

I am glad that I decided to keep my identity a secret still, I just want to live a normal life. The only people besides my family and friends who know that I am the author is a handful of other people from the publishing company who are sworn to secrecy.    

        The only thing not good in my life is Zayn, he has been distant lately especially since he and the boys released their first single. I have not talked with him or even seen him since New Year’s but I still can’t stop thinking about him. I wish that he would call me but I am probably the last girl on his mind. Even though it more than a year ago since we kissed I still remember the smell of his hair gel and the warmth of his lips when we made out on my bed.

        I glance around the store to make sure that everything is running smoothly but it seems pretty calm. I figure that I could clean out the dressing room even though I only have a short time left on my shift.

        I walk into the dressing room and grab some of the clothes. When I walk back out into the store I notice a customer walking around. I put the clothes into the bin outside the dressing rooms and walk up to her.

        She seems to be about my age with long blonde hair. She is wearing a mint green jacket over a white blouse with acid wash jeans.

        “Is there anything I can help you with today?” I ask.

        She turns to face me.

        “No, I’m alset. I am just looking, thank you.” She says in a thick American accent.

        I can tell that she probably is a tourist but I never disrespect someone just because they come from somewhere else. I knew how it felt like to be a foreigner.

        “If you do need assistance I would be happy to help you. The sizes here can be a little different than back in the States.”

        I see a look of surprise on her face. I figure that she has been receiving the same treatment I received when I first moved here.

        “Actually could you help me find some clothes?” She asks nervously.

        I put on my friendly smile.

        “It would be my pleasure. I’m Carla the manager.” I say.

        I hold out my hand for her to shake.

        “I’m Aubrey but most people call me Bree,” She says as she shakes my hand.

        “Is there anything specific you're looking for Bree?” I ask flashing her a smile.

        I help her shop finding her clothes to try on, the two of us chatting the whole time. I only tell her a little bit about me, mostly I tell her that I moved here from the States some years ago and that I have worked at River Islandfor some years.

        I find out that she is in England because her and her friend Paige got a job at a hotel through Paige’s cousin. The two of them work together at the hotel and even are temporarily living there until they can save enough money to get their own place. They're about a year older than me.

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