Goodbye and Hello

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Laughter fills the room after Louis’s joke.

“My head is finally healed but I don’t want to have to stay here because of busted up ribs.” I say trying to stop laughing.

My laugh turns into wheezing and I notice Zayn reaching for my inhaler on the bedside table. I reach over and wrap my hand in his. I feel better being unhooked from the machines and dressed in normal clothes but I have had a few asthma attacks. And I still have the bandage wrapped around my forehead though it is mostly to hide the big gash there.

“I thought that laughter was the best medicine,” Louis says smiling.

“Well you can save some of those laughs for the next time,” Zayn says.

“It sucks that I finally get  to leave the hospital tomorrow and you guys are leaving tonight.” I say annoyed. I have been here the past few days and I feel like I could have left today but the doctor wanted to run a few more tests tomorrow morning before releasing me.

“I don’t think that we will stay away for as long this time,” Louis says. I know that he doesn’t want to be away from Maylee for long. He and the other boys ended up renting some rooms at the hotel for time that they have been staying here.

“Besides I think that Harry is going to be staying here,” He says nodding his head towards the empty bed that Bree and Harry were sitting on. Now they  are making out on the bed. I take my pillow and throw it at them.

"This is a no kissing zone" I say as the pillow hits them.

“Is it really?” Zayn ask sarcastically as he leans in and kisses me. I’m glad that I’m not hooked up to any machines right now, I can feel my heart racing and I can only imagine how fast the machine would be beeping.

“Okay Romeos we need to get going otherwise we will miss our flight.” Louis says standing up.

“You guys go ahead, I will catch up.” Zayn says as the other three say goodbye.

“Do you want me to hang sock on the door?” Louis asks as he leaves.

Laughter follows him as Bree and Harry leave, I wish that I saved my pillow throw for Louis. Once the three of them are gone Zayn reaches for the plastic shopping bag he brought in.

“I got you something so that you won’t go driving around until I can come back and teach you.” He says putting the bag on the bed next to me.

“I thought Louis was the smart ass,” I say reaching out my hand for the bag.

“Who do you think taught him?” Zayn say sarcastically handing me the bag.

I want to reach over and smack the back of his head but the bag holds most of my interest right now. I open it and I start to laugh at what I pull out, a One Direction notebook with a pen.

“I think that he has been rubbing off on you,” I say reaching over and giving him a hug. “Thank you for the gift though I think I would like you to stay here.”

“I promised the guys that I would go back with them. I’ll call you later babe,” He gives me a kiss on my cheek and leaves.

I decide to pass the time by using the notebook that Zayn gave me, besides this incident has given the idea for my story. I know that writing is never a straight line, sometimes an author knows the ending but not how to get there while other times random thoughts can come in and give the story a whole new meaning.

I stop writing when the food comes, as hungry as I am I still wish that I had something besides hospital food but I only have to survive one more day of it. I can’t wait until I can have some of my mum’s cooking again.

“Excuse me but I’m looking for Ms. Bond,” A guy says standing in the doorway of my room.

“Well you are talking to her so I’m assuming that you found her,” I say. I guess Louis’s personality has rubbed off on me as well.

He steps into the room and walks until he is at the end of my bed. I gotta say that now I can see him he is pretty cute. Even though he has a nice shiner on his right eye his face is still handsome.

    “My name is Kevin and I would like to apologize for the accident.”

    “No hard feeling, why don’t you grab a seat and we can chat some.” I say offering the empty chair next to my bed.

    He sits down though I notice him slowly sit down. I shut the notebook and put it on the bed.

    “If there is anything I can do, I can take care of the hospital bill for you,” He offers.

    I know that the report I was told was that I was driving in the proper lane when Kevin Carter swerved into my lane. I tried to avoid him but my tires slipped on the wet road and then we crashed or so I am told, I really don’t remember much of the accident.

    “Don’t worry about it, my work has pretty good coverage on health insurance.” I say. “Though I would like to know why you were driving on the wrong side of the road.”

    “I’m sorry about that, I was visiting in the states and I just got a little while ago. I was a bit tired that night and I forgot to drive on the left side.” He says guilty.

    “Well are you sure that you can see both sides of the road?” I ask referring to his black eye. He starts laughing, a musical laugh.

    He stop laughing and grabs his side, I notice that he has some bandages outlined  through his shirt. I’m guessing that something happened to his ribs in the accident. Even though there have been some injuries we have been fortunate in my opinion.

    Before either of us can say anything else my cell rings. I go to answer it.


“Hey La La,” Zayn responds with. “We’re about to board the plane. I just wanted to make sure that you were good.”

“I’m perfectly fine, I just am making some friends.”

“As long as they are just friends. I don’t want to come back and have to hunt anyone down.” He says.

“You know that you are the only guy for me Zayn,” I say reassuring him.

I hear Niall’s voice in the background.

“I have to get going, laters babe.” He hangs up.

“Who was that?” Kevin asks as I put the phone back on my bedside table.

“It was just my boyfriend,” I say. I notice him looking around expecting someone to come running into the room. “Relax, he is on plane to go to the states.”

I notice him relax a little but he is looking at something on my bed.

“There is no way,” He says shocked as he picks up my notebook. “Your boyfriend is Zayn Malik?!”

He picks up the notebook and is staring at the cover closely.

“Are you some kind of detective or something?” I ask jokingly.

“Naw, I’m studying acting right now. ‘A performer must know everything, no little detail should be a surprise.’” He says as though he is talking to an audience.

“Well Mr. Actor, who said that line? Shakespeare?” I ask trying not to laugh.

“I did just now,’ He says giving me a smirk. “What have you written in here anyway, love notes to your boyfriend?” He asks waving the notebook.

“Give it back,” I say trying to reach for it but I move too fast and I feel dizzy.

“Or has your lover been writing music for you,” he says teasing.

He gives me back the notebook.

“He is a lucky guy, I hope he knows, what makes you beautiful,” he says switching to a singing voice.

Writing Music ( A Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now