Part 2

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    A couple days later while having breakfast at home, Bellatrix was listening to her parents talk about how important it was to do away with house elves after their age wouldn't allow them to work properly anymore. 

"Beheading them is the kindest thing to do for their own sake and the smart thing for ours," said her father. 

Her mother nodded and commented, "If Hepzibah Smith was smarter she would have done that sooner and not ended up killed by that worthless house elf". 

It was allover the papers, how Hepzibah had just been poisoned by her old elf the day before. Bellatrix couldn't help but roll her eyes, who cared if that old hag was dead, everyone knew all she was good for was hoarding relics. 

Narcissa the youngest sister was too young to fully grasp what happened so she just nodded every time her mother looked at her. Andromeda, the middle sister however turned her eyes to Teena, their house elf whose body posture was rigid, but her eyes were watery. She was next to the table, close enough to be of service, but far away enough that her masters don't have to look at her and of course, listening to every word.

Bellatrix saw this and was instantly annoyed. She knew Andromeda looked like her and some would say she was even better looking, but she lacked the Black character and cruelty and thus was still not as good as her, the older sister. She knew her sister was feeling bad for the house elf, so she decided this could be a teaching moment.     

"Mother, how old is Teena?" She asked. 

Everyone turned to look at the elf, while Teena herself let out a whimper and looked towards the floor. 

"She still has some years left in her, but at least she has had a son so we won't be elf-less after she stops being able to carry tea trays". 

At this Andromeda had to speak out like Bellatrix knew she would. 

"You shouldn't talk about her like she isn't here!"    

Her father put down the paper he was reading. "Are you talking about the elf?" 

Andromeda nodded. 

"Andromeda you keep saying ridiculous things like that and you won't find a suitable husband in a hundred years!" 

"Then I will wait a hundred years for the right man."

Her father looked dumbfounded to which her mother chimed in, "Don't be silly little girl, by then you will have lost your good looks and considering that's the only thing you have going for you, it would be a bad move."

Bellatrix let out a huge cackle as Andromeda stood up and left the table.

Later that afternoon an owl dropped a letter for her father and it must have been good news since her father said, "Excellent, I knew it would work." 

He wrote another post and sent it out. He called out for his wife and asked her to go pick up another package for him at Borgin and Burkes. 

"I can't, I cannot cancel on Walburga again, it would simply be too rude and the children are already set to go."

"Well I have to make an appearance at the Macmillan's, to cover my bases, this is very impor-"

"Let me go pick up your package father." Offered Bellatrix before her father could finish. She was only ten, but had proven time and time again to have a cunning wit and not let anyone make a fool of her, so after some persuading her father agreed. 

She was going to see Tom again. She knew he was too old to set his eyes on her, but all she wanted at the moment was to see him again.

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