Part 9

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Frank Longbottom was writhing on the floor, his screams echoed on the walls of his home. His wife was on the other side of the room being held down by Rabastan. She had been crying from the moment they started torturing her husband. Baby Longbottom was in his playpen crying just like his mother. Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Barty Crouch Jr circled Frank like sharks waiting to pounce for another bite.

"Where is he!?" She yelled. "Crucio!"

"I don't know," he said for the umpteenth time.

Rodolphus pulled Bellatrix to the side, "There's barely anything there, lets try the wife now"

She nodded and they switched them.

Frank could only whimper as they used the cruciatus curse on his wife as they had done on him. She twisted and wailed on the floor until she lost her voice. Bellatrix pulled her up to face her by the hair, "How could a baby vanquish the Dark Lord?"

There was no answer, only whimpering.

Bellatrix at this point knew, they didn't know anything, but her thirst for vengeance could not be satisfied. After this, the child and its parents should pay the price of death for what had happened to the Dark Lord.

After they had all grew tired of inflicting so much pain and were moving to kill the Longbottoms, the door flew off its place. 

"Stupefy!" Alastor Moody charged in throwing spells all over the room, along with three other wizards. 

There wasn't enough wizards that they could have expected to have found Bellatrix and the others here, but enough to suspect something was wrong. One of the wizards took the Longbottoms and disapparated with them while the others dueled.

Barty Crouch Jr went down first, then Rabastan, then Rodolphus. Finally, Bellatrix was taken down by Alastor Moody with a stupefy incantation. She had wasted most of her energy and after being caught she stopped just stopped fighting. 

They were all thrown in separate dungeons for about about a week.

During this time, she was able to swallow the fact she was going to Azkaban. Also to accept that it would be a while before her master would come back to her, but he would indeed come back. There was no doubt in her he would release her eventually, but for now she was going to have to be patient. She suppressed a groan because this was not the time to show weakness. 

When they all emerged and saw in each other's eyes they had all thought the same thing. They had a silencing spell put on them as they walked towards their trial in chains with Dementors at their sides in case they thought about escaping.

At their trial they stood accused of all their crimes. This where the others started showing fear and Barty straight out humiliated himself, pleading to his father, senior Crouch, his innocence. Bellatrix sat on her chair looking at the accusing wizards, as she acuses them right back in her mind for the disappearance of Lord Voldemort. Not death, never that, she would rather die first than have to experience losing him completely.

Senior Crouch sentenced them to Azkaban and the dementors creeped up on them, she could feel their greed and coldness coming off of them in waves towards her as she stood.

"The Dark Lord will rise again, Crouch!", she yelled without even thinking to do so. "Throw us into Azkaban; we will wait! He will rise again and will come for us, he will reward us beyond any of his other supporters! We alone were faithful! We alone tried to find him!"

It is said that wizards and witches lose their minds in Azkaban, but she imagined how proud the Dark Lord would be when he saw how she hadn't been a coward like the rest of the Death Eaters.

She was and always would be Lord Voldemort's most faithful servant. She believed in everything he stood for, she loved him more than words could express and if the time had come to walk into hell for him, then so be it.

Her mind was already on the verge of a breakdown when she walked into Azkaban with her head held high, willing to wait as long as it took for her love to come back to her.


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