Part 7

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Over the next couple of years Bellatrix worked hard to please the Dark Lord (as he had given his close circle the privilege to call him). While everyone knew who Lord Voldemort was, no one dared to speak his name. For there was a rumor he had jinxed his name and anyone who was not worthy to speak his name would die.

He later recalled the chat he had with Bellatrix when she was younger and that was enough for her to feel like she could conquer the world. 

He showed them so many dark spells, hexes and how to make and use cursed objects, that Bellatrix quickly became one of the best. Even though she was the only female. He became all she thought of. How to next impress him, how to learn faster than anyone and to make her his only favorite.

Although he never looked at her they way she wanted him to or even gave her more privileges than the others, she did not lose hope. When he chose his inner circle to receive the Dark Mark that would only be for those who would now be known as the Death Eaters her world almost crumbled. 

Rodolphus was among others who had been invited to special gathering with the dark lord, but Bellatrix wasn't invited. When she heard of this through her husband she was frantic, but could not crash the gathering without looking rebellious towards her master.

"Maybe I could just go with you and wait outside in case he decided he needs me too."

"No Bellatrix, you aren't even supposed to know about this. It's my fault I had assumed he would pick you as well, but you are just gonna have to stay back and not get either of us in trouble," he said with a tone that ended the conversation.

There was no point in arguing, she walked away from him. He must think he is better than her for being chosen, she thought. She was going to go no matter what and if they both got punished so be it.

She waited outside Malfoy Manor till the rest had left after the meeting, then walked inside.

Lord Voldemort was sitting in a large chair by the fireplace.

"Come closer, dear Bella."

"My Lord – I didn't want to intrude, I just couldn't help...that is to say, I wanted to see if there was anything I could do..." He raised a hand to make stop talking.

She shut her mouth and looked down.

"I was going to invite you to a private gathering for your dark mark, but you have never been a patient one." 

He walked over to her and looked into her eyes. He examined her her for a couple seconds before asking her the last question she could have expected.

"What do you feel for your husband?" Bellatrix stared at him for a second longer than she should have.

"He is my husband, a pure blooded wizard who serves you honorably and I respect him...but our relationship is more of friends rather than a couple."

He nodded as if he knew, then asked, "and what do you feel for me?"

He had to know, being skilled at legilimency, but she answered anyway. "I love you, I worship you, my Lord. I would go to hell and back for you." He smiled and turned away.

"Dear Bellatrix, you must know how much I value you and your loyalty, but I should make it clear that I consider love a disease and I cannot let myself be infected with it."

She couldn't help it, her eyes started watering. "I am afraid this is why I've chosen your dark mark ceremony to be private." He walked over to a side table where there were bottles, vials and potions.

He picked one up and brought it her. "Do you trust me?" He asked.

"With my life," she answered.

"Then drink this."

She drank the small black potion instantly, it felt like fire going down her throat melting everything inside her. She dropped to the floor as she finished, but sat up after only a minute.

"Your high emotions could have gotten in the way of our plans. The potion you drank will limit your sensitivity, empathy and bonds. It will not stop your love for me, nothing can actually do that, unless you choose it. I do not wish it if I'm being honest, but you understand why I needed you to drink it don't you?"

She looked up at him and stood up. She was glad to know she still loved him as much as always, but something was different. She couldn't pin point it though.

"Of course," she answered.

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