Part 5

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As the Black family arrived at the Lestrange Manor for Christmas holidays, Bellatrix couldn't help but to suppress a groan. They walked up to the large front door and before they could even reach for the knocker, the door flew open. 

Rodolphus asked them inside and gave them a warm welcome. They had dinner with his parents and younger brother Rabastan, who wasn't even at Hogwarts yet.    

Everything was tolerable until, they reached the topic of marriage. Bellatrix would have preferred to drown herself in the soup in front of her than have to smile politely as if the topic made her shy, as her mother had told her to do. But she still gave an awkward smile and pretended to have nothing to say, until Rodolphus stood up from the table. With his face blank of emotion as a rock, he knelt next to her and offered her a ring.    

"Will you give me the enormous pleasure of being my wife Bellatrix?" He said with no emotion what so ever. 

Bellatrix's blood ran cold and she sputter out, "But I don't love you!" 

Then realizing she had to be politer in this situation she added, "and you don't love me."    

"Love? That will surely come later, if at all, the important thing is you two will make a wonderful union and will ensure to make a powerful future generation of pure-blood wizards." His father declared.

"Quite right you are, and Bellatrix understands this don't you Bella?" Her mother said in a sweet tone that made Bellatrix want to pull her hair out.    

"Yes, I understand."

The parents clapped and stood up to congratulate each other. Bellatrix stayed sitting looking at the ring, wishing her gaze alone could melt the diamonds. Nobody turned to look at her except Rodolphus who asked her to walk with him outside to the terrace. She accepted his hand and left with him while plotting ways to kill him and make it look like an accident.     

When they arrived he let go off her hand and turn to look at her. 

"I know you don't want this and you most likely know neither do I, but our families are set on it and it would be stupid to resist them. After all we are so much alike and I don't dislike you. It is just that –"

"Its just that Michael Greengrassfinger would look better with this ring?"   

She was trying to get him angry enough to break the engagement right there at that moment. He certainly flinched, but did not explode in anger. 

"It doesn't matter who has the prettiest fingers here, although yours aren't in the lead to be honest. But back to my point, we are a lot more similar than you think. I know you detest the fact that muggles interfere in our lives more and more everyday as I do. That their children are allowed to go to school with us, just because they have some magic. They contaminate our blood lineage and that ridiculous Muggle Studies class actually promotes it!"

He shook his head and continued, "I already have a job secured for me in the ministry as soon as I leave Hogwarts and as my wife I am sure I could find something for you as well."  

She kept postponing the idea of what to be when she left Hogwarts, all she knew was that she wanted to travel abroad, but maybe she should stay. Just in case...

"I don't suppose you have heard of a great wizard who is putting things in motion to restore wizards as the rightful rulers of this world and put muggles back in their place?" He asked.

She shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Lord Voldemort is what he calls himself now a days, but he was previously known as Tom Riddle." 

Bellatrix dropped her arms and let out a, "Tom Riddle?".

"Yes." He continued as he noticed he now had her attention, "I don't know him personally, but we have mutual acquaintances and am aware of all the great things he is doing abroad and will bring back to us." 

Bellatrix knew she would not be able to avoid marrying Rodolphus, even if all he wanted her for was for appearances. This information though was what she needed to hear, so she asked to hear more. 

In any case people end up widowed all the time, and its not like he would work for continuing their lineage.

When they appeared back inside, everyone was saying their goodbyes. Narcissa ran up and hugged Bellatrix. 

"You will still come visit, won't you?" She asked. 

"Cissy, I am not getting married just yet, we are going to plan the perfect wedding and that takes time, plus we still have to have to finish school."

Rodolphus nodded in agreement and the parents agreed as well. Andromeda however had a look of pity on her face as she stared at her older sister. 

"Well? Aren't you going to congratulate me?" asked Bellatrix. 

Andromeda looked towards her mother, whose face looked expectantly at her to do the right thing. 

"Congratulations, you two deserve each other," she finally said.

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