Part 6

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It was Bellatrix and Rodulphus's one-year anniversary and while most happy couples would be celebrating, this wasn't their case. Bellatrix was a stay at home wife to most wizards, but she kept herself busy studying Dark Arts and keeping an eye on any new plan put in motion by Tom, so she would be up to date when he returned. Rodolphus didn't expect his wife to wait up for him after getting off work at the Department of Magical Transportation. He took this chance to come and go as late as he pleased unless they agreed to be seen somewhere together.

Her parents would soon start asking when she would get pregnant. Of course she couldn't actually let them know how hard that is with a husband who won't touch you. Which is all the same to her as she doesn't want him in return, but still at least Bellatrix had stopped plotting her husband's murder, for now. 

They were almost friends she supposed. Their common goals for establishing a new world order had brought them closer.

This was probably the best she could give her parents. Unlike that ungrateful, blood traitor, disgrace of a sister she had, she thought. 

It was still all her mother would complain about. Her father had stopped talking about Andromeda at all. He had gone as far as to burn Andromeda off of the Black family tree. Which Bellatrix supported out loud. As soon as Andromeda had finished Hogwarts, she had eloped with the muggle born named Ted Tonks. They were probably off somewhere still enjoying their honeymoon while the Black family had to stay and deal with the disgrace.

Now her parents were quickly trying to set up a good marriage for Narcissa before anything could go so wrongly again.

"You know Cissy, Lucius Malloy is single right now. I could introduce you two if you'd like?" Bellatrix said casually one night while having dinner at her parents house.

"That sounds wonderful Bella! Of course Narcissa would be delighted, the Malfoys are quite a catch" Her mother rejoiced.

Narcissa looked intently at her food. "Yes, I agree, Lucius would be quite a catch."

One night Rodolphus didn't come home at all. Bellatrix was awoken to Rodolphus's good news that Lord Voldemort had just arrived and that night there would be a gathering of all his followers.

Bellatrix was the happiest and most excited her husband had ever seen her. She was even singing as she chose the perfect black dress to wear that night. 

Tom had to remember her, she thought. It is true that she had only been a child, but now she was a woman and he could not fail to notice how well she had matured these last ten years.

They arrived at Malfoy Manor at midnight, to find around twenty men inside talking to each other in hushed voices by the fire in the living room. Bellatrix noticed she was the only woman there, but didn't care because she was sure she could take any of them on in a duel, including her husband. Then they heard someone coming down the steps and all turned to look toward the stairs. Bellatrix had lost her voice. It was TomRiddle, of that she was sure, but his face was different. 

Beautiful as always,but it now had a ferocious look set permanently on it. He was paler with bloodshot eyes. These eyes scanned the room and while Bellatrix almost raised her hand in hopes that he would give her a second look.

"Welcome my friends to Malfoy Manor, which Abraxas Malfoy has been so kind as to lend us for our rather impromptu gathering." He said as he moved his arm to show an older man with pale blonde hair.

"Some of you are already part of the Knights of Walpurgis, while some of you are newer to my ideas and have come seeking more information on them from near and far". 

He looked over to a pair of dark skinned wizards who looked foreign, but Bellatrix could not even guess from where because then she would have to stop looking at Tom for more than a second.

"I am Lord Voldemort," he continued. "While I was born under a different name, this is how I am known now and you will refer to me as so, but even if you don't stay for the rest of the night you will do well to memorize it because one day the whole world will know it."

 He walked around the living room looking at every person there and when he reached Bellatrix, she remembered how she used to think of him as a prince, but not anymore, Lord was much better.

In a long and empowering speech, he explained how our noble wizarding race was under threat of extinction. At the rate we were going, eventually muggle blood would have corrupted all future generations of wizards and witches. It was our duty to purify our blood for the sake of all future generations and it was important to realize that some misguided wizards would stand in our way. Which is why he was creating this new organization to get more followers and as quietly as possible spread the message. The ones who were willing to die for the muggles, would die along with them. He showed spells of dark magic to be learned and used without any interference from the Ministry. 

His speech was so good at the end almost everyone was practically shaking in excitement to get started right away. There were a couple people who asked questions and had uncomfortable looks on their faces though.

"If you do not feel this is the place for you to be or if you were under the impression this was simply a dark arts class you are more than welcome to leave," he added.

Two people carefully got up and headed towards the door. As soon as they opened the door to leave a flash of green light was thrown at them. This was the first time Bellatrix had seen someone use the Avada Kedavra spell. And it was glorious. The way he said it and the power emanating from him was almost impossible to resist. She looked at him like a god ready to smite all those who stand in his rightful way.

"Sometimes necessary evils are needed to create a perfect world," he said.

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