Chapter 1

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I was walking along the cold streets of Brooklyn, after dark. I knew I shouldn't be out after dark in this part of town, but I missed the bus. Walking was my only other choice if I wanted to get home.

I jump at the sudden buzz of my phone ringing. I dig around my purse searching for it. I can't seem to find it. All of a sudden it stops ringing.

Not watching were I'm going. I all of a sudden run into a person.

"Woah watch wearing your going there love," The man chuckles. Though its dark out, he appears to have blonde hair. I can tell he's a foreigner by his Irish accent.

"Sorry," I gulp taking a step back.  I get an eerie feeling from this man. I hurriedly try to walk away, but the sound of a gun stops me.

My heart feels like it could beat out of my chest. I feel frozen; not sure what to do or were to go. This is it I think to myself. I'm gonna die. Some thug is gonna come and shoot me.

I'm about to call 911, when two arms wrap around me. I start screaming, and yelling. The man is quick to but his hands over my mouth.

I can hear people talking.There appears to be four other guys, and they all seem to be British.

"She's a witness, we don't know how much she's seen. We should just kill her know." Says a man with curly hair, and a british accent.

My heart drops again. I'm still being restrained by the Irish dude. The Irish dude still has his hand over my mouth. Being the smart person I am I bite his hand hard. Making him howl in pain. He drops his grip on me, and I make a run for it.

I hear the boys arguing, when suddenly two arms wrap around my waist. The curly haired dude sets me in the trunk of a car. Chuckling at my foolishness.

I hear the roar of the engine come alive. At the same time I hear police sirens. With that who ever is driving hits the gas, and the car speeds down the road.

I try to find my phone to call for help. When I pull it out I find that it's dead. Great just great. I try to stay awake but I find myself dosing off.

I awaken in the same darkness of the trunk. The only difference is the car is no longer moving. I listen carefully to see if anyone's in the car. It doesn't seem so though. It takes me a moment before I relize that I'm locked in the car alone, and the car is parked In a garage.

I start to get really nervous. My breathing starts getting really heavy, and I'm breaking out in sweats. I throw up all over the back of the car. I sit in the back far away from the throw up. The car really smells, and I feel as if I could throw up again.

I sit there rocking back and forth repeatedly, intill I fall asleep. I awaken again to the sunlight.

I look outside the window of the car. Taking in rhe garage. It seems to be a three car garage. There a tall slim black cabinet in the corner. All the walls are gray. There are two really expensive looking cars parked inside, both black.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I here the opening of the trunk door.


Thanks for reading.

I will update tomorrow.

Sorry that this is a short chapter.  I hooe you enjoy this new story I think it's gonna be good. It's really late and I hv school tomorrow so that's y this is a short chapter sry bye.


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