Chapter 8

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(Harry's pov)

"Harry why are you like this? Why are you such a bitch?" Lily asks me. This angers me. She doesn't know anything about me, and she doesn't need to.

"Because I can. Now shut the fuck up you slut," I scream losing my cool.

"Harry just stop okay? " She yells. "Please just calm down and stop."

"Why? Why should I calm down?" I scream back at her.

"Because your scaring me," she says barley auditable above a whisper.

"Like I care," I say laughing.

"Harry I just want to know why? You kidnapped me, and almost got me killed. The least you can do is tell me why."

"Fine Lily if I tell you why will you shut up?" She nods. I don't even know why I'm telling her this. Not even the boys know what I'm about to tell her. It's like I'm being brainwashed into telling her. This is not like me at all and it's scaring me.

"When I was ten my Dad left. My sister and mom and I were on our own. Being the man of the house it was my job to protect them. One day my sister didn't come home. So I went out in search of her. I found her dead body by the river bank." I say starting to tear up. I hold in my tears because that's not me I don't cry.

"I promised my mom I would find the bastard that killed her. And when I did i would kill him, like he did her. I eventually found him, and killed him. After that I joined a gang, the one I'm in now. I eventually started killing people as a job, and that's pretty much it."

"Harry I'm sorry about your sister," Lily says.

"Yeah well what is done is done."

(Lily's pov)

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. Yeah it's no reason to become a mass murderer, but a little part of me has now opened up to him.

"Don't tell anyone about this okay?" He asks.

"I won't,"I say truthfully.

Harry is about to say something when Louis exits the room with out Eleanor.

"What did you do to Eleanor?"

"Why don't you go see for yourself?"

"Harry can I?" I ask remembering what he said about me not being able to see her earlier.

"No," he says very solemnly.

"Hardy why please just once," I beg.

"Yeah let her see," louis says smiling.

"Louis shutup not a chance," Harry says getting angry. I start to wonder why Harry dosen't want me to see Eleanor.

"Well she wants to see her. So I'm gomma show her." Louis says already pushing me into the room.

"No, stop." Harry shouts, the sight in front of me is to much to handle.

I see Eleanor's naked body laid across the ground. I can see the bloody whip next to her. That he used to whip her multiple times across the back. I start to cry.

"How could you do something like that?" I ask louis. He just laughs. I understand now why Harry didn't want me to come in here. But why would he care. Maybe he has more of a heart then I thought.

"Louis bring her back out here now," Harry yells. "Were going on a walk. Just me and you."


Everyone read my new fanfic Party Animal. I'm rewriting thecwhole fan fiction PLZ read the first part thx.

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