Chapter 12

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(Harry's Pov)

I immediately stop the car, and get out. I run inside the house, and there she is in the arms of Pablo. He has a tight grip on her waist were she is injured.  I can see tears fall down her face as she wimpers in pain. I get this feeling deep inside. A feeling that is so foreign to me. I actually care, and all I know is that if anything happens to Lily I will kill Marco, and his crew.

"Let go of her right now," I yell at Pablo.

"Or what?" he shouts back. I take my gun and aim it at him. At the same time he takes a gun, and puts it up to Lily's head. It feels as if my stomach starts doing a hundred somersaults.

I use my years and years of shooting practice at this moment. I have to get this right if I miss I will shoot Lily in the head. I aim the gun at Pablo's hand. The one wuth the gun. And as I realse, and the let the bullet fly through the air I close my eyes. I open them with a big smile on my face, when I hear Pablo's cry in pain.

I walk up to Pablo,  and shoot him in the knee making him fall to the ground. I go and step on His hand, and twist it, as he winces in pain, before shooting him in the head. Killing him instantly.

I walk over to Lily, and wrap her in my arms. She's shaking uncontrollably. "Are you okay?" I ask. She nods her head tears falling down her face.

"Why did you save me Harry?" She asks looking up into my eyes.

I look down at her. "Can you keep a secret?" She nods. "When I look at you I can't seem to hurt you. I lied to you. I have had a few girlfriends,  and I have hurst some of them. But look at me I'm a killer. You Lily your different though. Their was one girl on this earth I would do anything for. That was my sister. You remind me of her. In so many ways. Lily I can't let you go."

It was true everything I had just said to her. No matter how much I didn't want it to be it was. As long as she's the onlybone who knows we will be okay.

(Lily's pov)

I was taking in everything he had said to me. I guess I just relized that I cared about Harry too.

"Lily I love you," he then says.

I hear the words come out of his mouth.  Never in a million years did I ever think I would hear that. Not from Harry. Never did I think I would say it back.

"I love you too Harry."

I used my heart and not my knowledge.

Then Harry's lips crash on to mine. I get lost in the moment,  and it is like pure bliss. The way his tounge slides over mine. How our lips fit together perfectly in in sync. I slowly pull apart. Smiles slowly spread across both of our faces.

"You can't tell anyone about us. Lily I just want you to know I can't change. Not even for you. I will always have to be a killer. I have to many enemys. I have to kill to survive. Lily just know I will protect you. Always, and forever," he says leaving a kiss on my forehead.

I take in all that he sais. Realizing that it is true. I have fallen for a killer. The perfect moment is ruined by, footsteps.

(Harry's pov)

I look up and see Marco. I immediately stand up in front of Lily. Marcos other bodyguard behind him.

"I don't know if you heard me before,  but I said I want the girl."

"In your dreams, " I spit at him. Taking a risk I draw my gun. When all of a sudden Zayn, and Liam come running in, and it's all over. Just like that Marco, and his bodyguard drop dead..

"What took you two fuck ups so long?!" I yell at them. "I could have gotten killed."

"Sorry," Zayn says. "But there were more men."

"Whatever,  just help me move the bodys. Niall stay here with the girls."

Me and the other three move 4 bodys to the car.  We drove away to the woods were we dump the bodys in a river stream. We are walking back when all of a sudden I feel something crawling up my leg.


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