Chapter 7

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(Eleanors pov)

After what feels like an eternity, but is really only an hour a nurse comes out.

two hours think to myself two hours thats all we have. The nurse comes over to me to tell me how Lily is doing.

"She had a shattered hip, that ruptured. We were able to do emergency surgery, and she will be fine. She will need a 4-5 month recovery time, and we will need to keep her for 2-3 days at most."

When the nusre says two to three days my heart drops. We don't have two to three days. More like two hours.

"Is there any chance that she could leave in an hour?" I ask hopefully.

"No I'm sorry love it woukd be to risky. She's not physically stable yet."

"Oh okay I understand," I say as she walks away. If they won't let me have her. I guess I will have to take her. I go up to the front desk and ask for Lily's room number.

I find room 203 and we start to formulate a plan.

(Lily's pov)

Eleanor comes in to my room. She has an apologetic look in her face. "I'm sorry Lily but we have to escape this hospital."


She explains it all to me. And I feel a wave of fear wash over me. I knew that Harry wouldn't just send me and Eleanor here. He knew we wouldn't be back in time.

Eleanor and me decide on making a diversion, and escaping through the back door. I'm injured badly enough that I need a wheelchair. Eleanor helps me into the wheelchair by my bed.

She walks out of the room as quietly as possible. Eleanor made sure that most of the nurses in the east wing were busy with a power shortage that Eleanor caused.

We make it out the backdoor unnoticed. Eleanor helps me in the car. The clock on her car says 7:55pm we have five minutes.  Eleanor drives like a maniac to try to make it back. She arrives in the driveway at 8:01. We are to late.

Finally Eleanor looks at the clock. Here face turns pale white. That's when I know whatever Harry and Louis are gonna do it's gonna be bad.

Eleanor helps me out of the car. She wheels me in the house. Standing in the entryway. Arms crossed are Louis and Harry, with big smirks on their faces.

"Well well, what do we have here," Louis says.

"I think it's time for you two to receive your punishment,"Harry smirks.

Louis comes over to Eleanor, and grabs her forcefully by the wrist. Shortly after the door shuts. I can hear Eleanor scream in pain.

"Harry what is he doing to her? Harry stop him."

"I don't know and I don't care. Now shut up, " he says.

"If you weren't in a wheelchair I would hurt you so bad right now. I would just consider yourself lucky for now."

"Okay," I say in fear.

"Oh, but don't think your off the hook. You are not aloud to leave this house or my bedroom unless I or one of the boys say so. Also you are not aloud to see Eleanor."

"What Harry please no." If I can't see Eleanor I'm going to suffer. She's the only reason im surviving this place. Without her I have to face it all on my own.

"Harry why are you like this? Why are you such a bitch?" I ask as I countiue to her Eleanor cry out in pain. What is he doing to her? I wonder to myself.


I Don't know when i will Update next




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