Chapter 2

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A boy with brown hair, and beautiful brown eyes opens the trunk.

"Come with me," he says. "And next time don't throw up in the back of Harry's trunk," he says laughing. "Harry's gonna be really mad."

I unwilling get out of the back of the trunk. Wondering which one is Harry. Letting my curiosity get the best of me I ask the man his name.

"You'll find out soon enough," he says laughing. "Soon enough."

Not sure what that means, I continue to follow him through the garage, and to the house. We enter a house. I'ts a pretty standard size house. All the walls are white, and there's a staircase that leads upstairs.

The man leads me to a room around the corner. I can't see anything in the room because all the lights are out.

The man lets go of his tight grip on my wrist. He roughly throws me onto a bed, and locks the door. Leaving without another word.

Terrified out of my mind, I look around the window for an exit. There seems to be no windows in this room. I look for a light switch,  and when I finally find one nothing happens. The room is really dark I can't see where I'm going, and I run into something. Sending a loud crashing sound through out the house.

My heart starts beating out my chest, and I feel as if I could throw up again. My hands start to sweat, and I just stand there frozen. Hoping no one opens the door.

But my prayers go unanswered. I hear yelling, and then I hear loud foot steps moving torwads the door. Finally the door opens, and the curly haired boy opens the door.

"What's going on in here?" he snaps.

"Umm...umm i-i accidentally knocked something over."

"First you throw up in my car and then you start breaking things in my house. Whats your problem?"

My problem I think to myself is that you kidnapped me, and you think thats okay?

I don't say that though. I just stay quiet holding in my breath.

"Were you trying to escape? Because thats not gonna happen." He breathes through the dark room.

"No," I say. My legs uncontrollably shaking.

"Just remember don't try anything while were gone Lily. Understood?"

"Understood," I say my voice shaking.

"Good be cause if you do I will punish you." He says pushing me roughly against the wall.

When he leaves the still dark room I let out a deep breath. Shaking uncontrollably.  What does he mean punish me.And how did he know my name though?  I never remember telling him. Or any of the other guys as a matter of fact.

I'm soon brought out of my thoughts when the door opens again. I freeze thinking it's one of the boys. I soon relax though when I hear a girls voive say hello.

"Hello?" I say through the darkness.

"Hi I'm Eleanor, where are the lights in here?"

"There aren't any in here, by the way i'm Lily."

"Come with me, I'm not supposed to let you out of the room, but I'm guessing you would like to leave this room."

"Yes please," I say a glimmer of hope that I can escape.

She leads me out of the dark room, and into a living room. It has white furniture, with glass end tables, and a glass coffe table. Now that I get a better veiw of the girl I can see that she has beautiful brown hair, and eyes. She is absolutely flawless.

Taking me from my thoughts Eleanor says.

"I bet you have lots of questions so hit me with them. Just don't let the boys know anything that I've told you."

I have lots of questions for her so I decide now would be the time to ask her.

"First question is who are you and why are you here."

"I'm Eleanor Louis' girlfriend, and I'm here to watch you why the boys are away. Make sure you don't do anything bad." She says smirking.

I precede in asking her where we are.She tells me she isn't aloud to tell me. I ask her which boy is which, and she tells me. I learn that Harry is the curly haired boy. The scariest one in my opinion.

I lastly ask her why I was kidnapped, and what the boys do for a living. At this her face turns cold.

"That's not for you to know. You won't even be around long enough to find out."

I'm about to ask her what she means, but the sound of the keys startle us.

"Run hurry go back in the bedroom,  and act like your sleeping." Eleanor urgently says. I run into the room quickly. Eleanor closing the door quick behind me.

I cry myself to sleep that night. Lots of unanswered questions haunt me. The conversation me and Eleanor had today keeps replaying in my head.

'You won't even be around long enough to find out.'

I didn't even get the chance to escape what evers awaiting me.


I know this chapter was kind of fluff.

I will try and update tomorrow.

Thx for reading guys.

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