Chapter 36

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Once I arrive in Mexico I drive home. When I walk through the front door Perrie and Eleanor are sitting there looking worried. Along with a fragile looking Harry. Wait I thought I killed him? He's not dead he's really alive. I don't even hear a word Perrie and Eleanor are saying. I just run over to Harry and hug him.

"I'm so sorry," I say tears coming down my face.

"Sh... it's okay love," Harry says wrapping me in his embrace.

I just can't believe he is actually alive.

"I--I thought you were dead," I say through tears.

He laughs. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I wouldn't want to," I say hugging him again.

Once I get over the initial shock of Harry being alive, I propose my plan to take down 'The Prey'. The others boys come in and listen to what I have to say, and they all agree. First we have to take down The Boss and all his front men.

We all agree that Harry should not come with us. Despite his constant complaints that he is fine. We spend the whole day preparing the ambush. Once the clock strikes 12 p.m. we leave. All except for Harry. Which in all reality we need him, but we will have to do without.

Eleanor, Perrie, and I drive a black range rover to The Boss's house. Zayn and Louis drive to one of the front men's meeting spot. While Liam and Niall go to the other. The three of us pull up The Boss's mansion.

"So Perrie you go in first, and then press the button when you hear him coming close," I say.

"Okay," Perrie nods running in.

(Perries pov)

I run up to the gate, and quickly hack into the system. Then I run up the entryway to the huge mansion doors, made of oak. I pick the lock, and slide in through the door. Barely opening them, so they don't slam. I quietly run up the stairs.  We have been spying on the inside and out of his house. So I easily find the weapon room. I quickly get through the security, when I hear footsteps. I quickly press the read button, and wait for Eleanor and Lily.

The Boss man appears in front of me.

"Ahh I knew you would come back. They always do. if their not already dead." He say smiling. 

"You bitch!" I shout slapping the smirk right off his face. "You sick hearted bitch. going around messing with innocent people."

"I hate to break it to you, but your not any nicer sweetheart. Your just as bad."

In that moment it all sinks in, and I know he's right. I'm just as bad, I just never wanted to face the facts. I'm a killer, there's not a nice bone in my body. I kill the innocent, I kill the,weak strong, evil. I Kill all. No I won't let this bastard get to me. 

I jump onto him. I attack him like a wild animal. He wasen't expecting this. "You bastard," I yell mutiple times. Smacking him several times in the head with my gun. I watch happily as blood rushes out of his skull. I wait intill he stops squrming underneath me. Then I stand up.

"Your just like me. All three of you. Maybe even worse. At least I don't toture," he says dyeing.

"No!" I yell. "I am nothing like you, you motherfucking coward," I say pulling the trigger on him mutiple times. Shooting him over and over in the chest. Even though I know he's already dead. loading my bullets mutiple times. Intill my hand is covered in blood from pulling the trigger so many times. The body in front of me an unrecognizable mess. The blood from the body splattering on my clothes as I countiue to shoot and shoot. Intill somebody pulls the gun out of my hand.

"Shh... it's okay he's gone."

I fall back into her arms and cry into her shoulder. While she rocks me back and forth. Another hand rubs my back soothing me.

(Lily's pov)

I feel the buzz of my phone,  signaling that Perrie pressed the button. "Lets go," I say to Eleanor. We walk through the front door letting it slam behind us.

We hear the fire of mutiple gunshots. As we run up the stairs in fear it could be Perrie getting shot. The gun shots don't even stop for a second the just seem to countiue. Me and Eleanor both know very well whoever is being shot is already dead. When we get to the room the gunshots are coming from we see Perrie. She's an absolute wreck. She shoots the guy unconsciously,  emotionless tears running down her face.

I walk up to her, and slide the gun out of ber hand as she falls back into my arms.

"Shhh... it's okay he's gone," I say cradling her back and forth. As Eleanor pats her back. At that moment I can't help but wonder which one of is next. Who will have a break down next. Is it Eleanor? I'm brought out of my thoughts when my phone starts ringing.


It's urgent.



This is a spam of chapters yeah guys.

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