Chapter 3

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I wake up to the sound of someone yelling. It sounds like Harry.

"What the Hell?" He yells into the phone. "I don't have 5 days. You were supposed to take her today. She's already tried to escape. I don't have time for this girls bull shit."

I immediately know he was talking about me. But what did he mean someone else was supposed to take me? My thoughts were interrupted when some one abruptly pulled the door open.

"Get up now," an angry Harry yells.

I obey, my legs barely being able to hold me due to the shakinness.

Harry leads me to the hall, and I finally get a good veiw of his face. He has the most beautiful green eyes, his jawline Is very sexy and prominent, and the way he slides his lips over his tounge is enough to send me over board.

Then I remember that this guy kidnapped me. I can't think he's hot. I need to focus on escaping this place.

"I have to go somewhere, and I can't leave you here alone. Considering you already tried to escape once already," Harry says seeming annoyed.

"Ok," I nervously speak. "Um... w-w-wer-re are we going."

"To the city, and don't be such a nervous nellie sweetie," He says smiling knowing the effect he has on me.

"Don't call me sweetie I say," sending a glare his way.

"I'll call you watever I want to sweetie."

I roll my eyes in frustration. Before we leave I change in to a crop top, and skinny jeans that Eleanor lent me yesterday.

I sit in the passenger seat of Harry's car as he drives into the city. When finally my curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask Harry.

"How did you know my name?"

"Sweetie I have my ways, now stop asking questions."

I shutup the rest of the way to the unknown destination.

We finally pull up to a building.

"Stay in the car, i'll be back." Harry commands.

I stay in the car as he commanded,  but I'm startled when I hear someone banging on the car door. I look out the window when I see Harry banging on the door. Hunched over with a black eye.

"Unlock the door. Hurry," Harry yells.

I fumble around the with the car buttons when I finally find the button to unlock the door. Harry hurriedly jumps in to the car. At the same time a bullet hits the car tire. Harry realizing what happened starts cussing.

"Get down," Harry says panick aware in his voice.

"What's happening? Harry i'm scared."

"Nothing now shutup, your gonna be fine," He says. His face going from scared to annoyed.

Getting annoyed with his short answers I snap back at him.

"I don't think nothing is going on.  Considering somebody just shot at your tires. Now tell me what the he-"

Another gunshot sounds. This time shooting at the window, with perfect aim.

Harry throws his body into the back of the car. Grabbing a gun. He moves back to the front. He shoots the gun torwads the enemy.

In turn a ray of bullets shoot at the car.

"Oh shit, he has an automatic machine gun." Harry says."We have to run Lily. That's our only chance of getting out alive."

I stay frozen. Is he crazy? if we run out there were sure to be greeted by certian death.

"Slowly exit the car, " He says opening his car door.

I follow his lead, accidentally slamming the door. Another array of bullets is realsed. I her Harry shout something, and then I her him yell, "Run."

I start running, but immediately stop. I look down to see a piece of glass sticking in my foot. "Harry," I scream panicking.

Harry turns around, fear immediately overtaking his face. "Lily run" he screams.

"Harry I can-"

I drop to the ground. Feeling as if my hip is on fire. I watch as Harry runs over to me quickly. Picking me up off the ground.

Running through another array of bullets.

"Hang in their Harry says. I'm gonna get you help."

"Harry it hurts, take me to the hospital," I scream out in excruciating pain.

"I can't I'm sorry." He looks down at me with a flicker of sincerity in his face. Then it goes back to his angry face.

To weak to speak. I just start crying.

"I'm sorry," he says again. "I would if I could, but I'm kinda on the run. I can't risk being caught. I'd rather let you die than go to jail."

Did he really just say that? Though I wasen't surprised. I countiue to scream in pain.

Harry starts running again, when all of a sudden a big explosion sounds from behind him.

I look around and all I can see is fire surrounding us.

I'll try an update tomorrow.


Hope you guys are enjoying


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