Chapter 29

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I turn around "Jhon?" I see him standing there. Right in front of me, I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. His blue eyes bloodshot from crying, his brown hair messy, and he has bags under his eyes.

"Why are you here?"

"Lily you wrote me a letter telling me to meet you at this place,"he says holding up a typed paper. "I got the first plane here."

My stomach starts to turn. Did he tell, anyone about this? Who gave him that letter because it sure as hell wasn't me. I whisper into Perries ear. "Call the boys."

None of the men in the bar do anything, they just stand their with smirks on their faces. "Is their somewhere I can go to talk with my brother in private? " I say looking right into the bosses eyes. The boss nods, and the man named Pablo leads us to a private room. When he closes the door Jhon says.

"Lily you have changed alot. What happened to you? Your not the little sister I remember."

"That dosen't matter, did you tell anyone where you were going?"

"No Lily the note said not too, otherwise your kidnapper would kill you. Lily what's going on? Didn't you write that letter."

"Ummm yeah, I was just making sure. Could you excuse me for a second."

I start pacing the hallways. He needs to leave now this isn't safe. If he found out about me and the gang I would have to kill him, and I can't do that. I walk back out to the main room in search of Perrie. I find Perrie. "Did you call the boys?" I whisper.

"Sorry their is still no reception,"she whispers back. Shit I think to myself.

The boss man walks over to us. "Everyone out," he yells. "Besides you two of course," he smirks. This man makes my blood boil. I swear imma murda him. "So you girls. I'm gonna get straight to the point. You don't know who I am and I'm not gonna tell you. But what I will tell you is that going all the way back to when Lily and Harry were shot at in the car, to now. All the events you have encountered have been connected. You have a week to find out how or you, Perrie, and your brother will die. Your brother stays with us intill you two solve this. Don't tell anyone about this. And remember we see all."

The boss hands us an envolpe, and then Pablo comes back to escort us outside.  We get into the car, and start driving to the house.

"I'm confused, and scared." Perrie says.

"I know, here let me read the letter," I say ripping it open.

" Dear, Lily and Perrie
You guys have exactly one week too find out how everything is connected. If you successfully complete this mission. You will fully understand everything. If not you will be greeted with certain death. Here is your first clue.

'A place whers dead things lay is the place to start. Look for grave 1, 22. in cemetery a. Don't be afraid bullets no longer ricochet.'

-The Boss "

I read the letter aloud. "So we have to go to the cemetery," Perrie says.

"Yes, but wich one?" Cemetery a what could that stand for."

"Wait Lily, cemetery A is on Anser Avenue. Remember it's sometimes called Cemetery A."

"Wait Anser Avenue is all the way in Brooklyn though."

"How are we gonna get their then?"

"We have to lie," Perrie says "Call the boys tell them we are picking up some drugs across the border, and we wony be hone intill morning," she says smirking.

"Oh Perrie."

(Harry's pov)

I send Lily's family a message saying she's dead as she asked. I still don't understand why she wouldn't write back. She could at least lie. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket.


"Hey Harry?"


"Harry, me and Perrie went to pick up some drugs across the border. We wont be home intill morning. We will call you when we get back home."

I'm really confused right now. I want to tell her she can't,  because it's to dangerous, but I can't. I have no control over her. I'm also confused because we don't do drugs. Besides Marijuana witch we have alot of at home. We don't need anymore.

"Ummm... okay what kind of drugs?"


"Lily we have plenty of that at home. We don't need more."

"Oh well it's to late, were already on our way. Bye." She says immediately hanging up.

I go out to my car and head to the border. Somethings not right here. I bring Zayn along sense Perrie is with Lily, and for back up.

(Lily's pov)

"Perrie I think he's on to us."

"Okay we need ro go to the airport and leave now." She says speeding down the road.


5 Hours later.

We get off the playne in Brooklyn, Newyork. We find our car we rented,  and head to Anser Avenue."

"So all we know about this man is that be shot at you, and Harry in a car."

"Yes," I nod.

Perrie parks the car and we get out.

"So were looking for the 22nd grave in the first row."


We finally find the grave.

We walk up to the head stone, it reads.

'Bobby Horan 1963- 2014'

I'm in shock. Niall is a horan is this bis father? How is Nialls father liked to this. Was he really the one who shot the bullets at us?


I might have  a spam of chapters coming.

Keep reading I have loys of good Ideas to share.

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