Chapter 13

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I put my arm up my pant leg. I feel something scaley, and I know there is a snake crawling up my leg. I slowly remove the snake from my pant leg, and throw it torwads the river, behind me. I wait to here the splash of the water signaling that I made my shot. Instead I hear screams of a girl.

"Ahhhhh. Snake snake. Get it off get it off." I turn around and see Louis running around screaming with a snake on his head. Me Zayn and Liam just laugh at him.

"Bye Louis, " I wave and the three of us walk back to the car. About five minutes later Louis comes back to the car.

"Don't ever speak of this," he speaks firmly."

"I don't make promises."

(Lily's pov)

I still can't believe how Harry feels about me. I'm not sure if it's a smart thing to fall in love with Harry, but I trust him. If he really wanted to hurt me he would have already. I sit with the girls waiting for Harry to get back.

Finally the front door opens and Harry is Home. "Lily come upstairs, " he comands.

For ths first time I actually willingly obey. I follow Harry upstairs, and I change into a pair of his boxers. I just sleep in my brah.

"goodnight," he whispers in my ear. Before embracing me in his arms and falling asleep.

"You are such an idiot. How could you be so stupid?  All I wanted was for you to trust me. So then I could  make it easier to kill you. But before I kill you I wanted your virginity." He says before pressing me against the wall. He puts his hand on my upper thigh. I start to whimper in pain and tell him to stop. But he continues farther down into my crotch. He start palming me as I cry out for help. He then starts slowly removing my pants. The next thing he removes is my underwear. He takes of my shirt and brah. Then he cups my breasts.
All of a sudden he just shoots me before anything can happen.

I open my eyes. My body encased in sweat. I get ul from bed, and go to the door. Locked of course. He still dosen't trust me. I go over to Harry and sgake him awake.

He tosses amd turns before opening his eyes. "Harry can I please have water?"

He turns on the lamp and sits up in bed rubbing his eyes. "Why?"

"It's really hot in here."

"It is?" He says in confusion.

I nod. "Okay stay here." he says. He finally comes back with my water. Before we both fall asleep again.


I wake up the next morning with no Harry next to me. My hip is really hurting from all the walking, and injuries I have been enduring the past week. I lie in bed for a second when there Is a knock at the door.

Wait what who would knock at the door. This is Harry's room. No one but him and me are aloud in here. I see big boots under the doorway that are unnoticeable. I decide to stay as quiet as possible.

"Hello?" A deep burly voice from outside the door says. The voice is very familiar. I start to shake feeling very scared. Alll of a sudden the man starts banging loudly on the door way.

All of a sudden I remember were the voice came from. It was from my dream last night. I start to become confused though. Because I was in love with the man in my dream. I'm not in love with this man. Who is this man and were is Harry.




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