Chapter 11

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(Lily's pov)

Days and days of sitting in Harry's room, with no tv to watch. Finally I was able to leave the room. Not for good reasons though. It was time for us to leave for England. I had nothing to pack really except a few clothes. I had asked Harry earlier what he was gonna do with his house. He said he already sold it. Kinda confused I had just let the subject drop. I get up with my bag, and go downstairs.  Me and Harry get in the car, and drive away to the airport.


We finally land in England. That was the most boring plane ride ever.Considering Harry just sat there listening to his headphones the whole way. We get into another car, and drive away. We pull up in front of a huge house. Maybe you could call a mansion.

"Woah, why is the house so big?" I ask.

"Because we are all going to be living together. All the boys, and their girlfriends."

"Wait the other boys have girlfriends?" I ask. I had never remembered Harry mentioning that. I only new about Elenour.

"Yeah," Harry nods. " And you can meet them later."

We enter the huge house. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. A grand staircase that leads upstairs is in veiw. I wonder to my self how they could aford this place. Harry leads me up the stairs and around the corner. He opens the door to a bedroom. With a king size bed, huge tv, walk in closet, and bathroom.

"This is our room."

"Woah this is amazing," I say in awe.

"I know isn't it?" He says agreeing.

All of a sudden the front door opens, and we head downstairs. Were I meet the boy's girlfriends. Danielle: Liams girlfriend,  Perrie: Zayns girlfriend, and Emily: Nialls girlfriend, and of course Eleanor. All the girls are really nice. It's actually pretty late here, and we all seem to be getting tired.

"You guys can have a sleepover or whatever you girls have in the living room," Harry says. "But just tonight. The bous and I have somewhere to go. the ouside doors are locked from inside. And if you try to open any doors we will be notified. Understand?" Harrh asks.

We all nod in unison.

"Okay," he says "We will be back soon."

We decide ro set up beds on the floor in the living room. We are watching one of the videos we were allowed,  ans eating popcorn, when we hear a loud bang. Like a gunshot.

(Harry's pov)

Me and the boys leave to handle some unresolved businesses. Me, Louis, and Liam leave in one car. While the other two leave in another. We pull up in a drive way. Me and Zayn are the only ones who enter. The others stay in the car as backup.

We knock on the door, and the butler lets us in. We take a seat at a table, and Marco comes in and sits across from us. He jas his bodyguards behind him, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

"Harry, do you have my money?" Marco asks.

"Yes, but do you have my weapons?"

"The money first."

Zayn hand marco the money. He looks through it, and an unsatisfied look takes over his face. "Not enough."

"What the fuck," I yell in his face. "You said 2,000 that is 2,000 now give me my fucking weapons."

"No no no," he says smiling. "I want the girl. Pablo come here," he says to one of the bodyguards. "I want you to go get the girl, and bring her to me."

"Fuck no," I spit in his face.

He laughs "Pablo leave now."

I sprint out of Marcos house. I start heading towards my house. Marco and his other bodyguard follwing close behind.  I pull up in the driveway, and I can here a gunshot.





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