Drawing Depression

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*Yo yo yogurt this one is inspired by a long ass Tumblr post that I saw on Instagram (I'll put the pics at the end of the fic). It's heavy langst. I like it but I wanted to give it a better ending.*

*Edit: Now that Voltron is over I feel the need to specify the timeline each fic takes place in. This one takes place around the season 2 timeline.*

TW/ mentions of self-harm

(888 words lmao)


Lance's POV

I hope they like these..

I thought to myself as I finished the last drawing. I looked them all over with a smile. I had countless drawings inspired by the lives of my friends. I just spent the last two nights and the rest of my materials finishing them all.

I felt so proud of myself, these were my best drawings yet. Better than the ones that I submitted with my applications to various art schools. I had full rides to several art schools before dad shipped me off to the Garrison.

"Art will get you nowhere in life. You have no other talents! I'm sending you to the Galaxy Garrison. Maybe you'll find a way to be useful there!"

Remembering those words was like a stab to the heart, "Stop thinking like that.." I whispered to myself as I looked at my drawings again. They made me smile. I looked at the last drawing, it was pretty morbid and about my life. It was a drawing of a boy who had just hung himself on the branch of a tree. It was how I'd tell them about how depressed I get. Without my art supplies, I have no way to cope. I was hoping my friends would be supportive of me and help me find either new supplies or new coping skills.

I sighed and stood, deciding to go get a snack. I took my drawings with me, I wanted to keep looking at them. I started to walk down to the kitchen with a smile, but then I heard talking.

I stopped before entering the kitchen, hearing my friends there. I listened as they swapped sad stories in the middle of the night. Everyone was there. Everyone but me..

They don't want me there.. I'm just a placeholder for the blue lion. Nothing more.

I sighed, unable to shake away my bad thoughts. I couldn't draw to get rid of them. Maybe talking to them would help?

They don't want me there!!!

I frowned, sniffling a bit. I peeked my head inside and saw they all had their backs to the door. I set my drawings on the table before rushing back to my room. I could feel myself about to start crying.

They hate me. I know it. Keith definitely hates me. Shiro is always choosing Keith over me. Pidge and Hunk never hang out with me anymore, but they're always hanging out with each other. Allura finds me very annoying. Coran just feels bad for me. They hate me!!

By the time I made it to my room, I was sobbing. I looked down at my arm, at my old cuts. They were so faded now that no one even noticed them. It'd been so long since I cut because I would draw instead. But now I can't draw!

I can't break my clean streak! I can't! I've been clean for years now!

I kept sobbing, leaning against my wall as I sunk to the floor.

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