Royal Pain (Pt. 2)

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*rape mention warnings still apply*

(4164 words)

Lance's POV:

Keith hugged me until I really did feel better. I was glad we were getting along now, I really needed a hug.

"Let's get you something to eat. Allura guessed when you'd be waking up so Hunk made your favorite for dinner." He smiled at me.

I nodded and stood up but I still felt dizzy, "Whoa..." I went to sit back down but Keith ended up just grabbing me to keep me steady.

"The pod's effects should have worn off by now." He mumbled and kept a hold of me.

"Maybe it's because I haven't eaten? I didn't eat at all while held by the Galra. And then I spent how many days in the pod?" I looked at him.

He nodded a bit, "Four days with the Galra and three days in the pod... You haven't eaten in a week." he frowned and just lifted me up bridal style.

I blushed and looked at him, "Y-You don't have to carry me. I'll be fine if you just hold on to me."

"This is easier." He shrugged and started to carry me put of my room and down the hall.

I sighed, knowing that once he has his mind set on something there is no stopping him, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He carried me into the dining room, everyone was there and staring, "He can't walk on his own, his body is feeling the effects of a week without any food. He gets dizzy every time he stands up." He set me down in my seat.

Everyone seemed to understand, looks of realization on their faces. Hunk stood up, "I'll get you two plates."

"Thank you," I said as Keith sat down beside me.

Hunk came over with our food and gave it to us before going back to his own seat to finish his food. I smiled and started to eat happily, it was my favorite. I ate the whole thing at record speed, I was so hungry.

"Do you want some more?" Keith asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm starving!"


Keith nodded and got up to get me a second helping. Pidge looked at me, "Is dizziness your only symptom?"

I shrugged, "My stomach was all uneasy but it's better now that I've started eating."

"Are you cold?" She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Uh yeah. I just didn't think that was worth mentioning.." Keith gave me my food before sitting down again.

"It's just a sign that your body was using its nutrients and energy to keep you alive and wasn't working as hard to regulate your internal temperature. You'll probably feel super cold all the time for the next few days until your body is back to normal." Pidge said as I started eating.

I nodded, "I guess that makes sense, good to know." I kept eating.

She nodded and went back to messing with some little metal box and a tangle of thin, short wires. Matt was looking at it with her, trying to tell her what to do. But she already knew and was, like, five steps ahead of him. It was entertaining to watch.

"Katie, you gotta attach the blue wire to the re-" "I know, but first I need the green wire to go to the white port." "Oh, right, right. Didn't see that... Did you tape the red wire?" "Yeah, like, ten minutes ago."

I smiled and looked down at my plate, finishing up my food. I yawned a bit when I was done.

"Why don't you go to bed early, Lance." Allura suggested, "You need plenty of rest."

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