The Parrisia Berry

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TW/ mentions of past suicide attempts and abuse. current suicidal tendencies 

This takes place around season 2 like most of my stories.

(3476 words)

Keith's POV:

"God, we're going to be stuck here forever!" Lance groaned as they walked along a forest covered planet. Our lions had crash landed here after a mission and our communications were shit.

I rolled my eyes, "Stop whining. It's only been a couple hours."

"I just want to find something to eat," Lance looked around, "This place is nothing but plants, there's got to be some fruit or something around here."

"Good luck figuring out of its poison or not."

Lance looked at me with a frown, "Why do you always have to be so negative? It's annoying."

"You're annoying." I walked past him. It's true, I did find him annoying. His annoying cute laugh. His annoying cute smile. His annoying ocean blue eyes. His annoying happy personality. His annoying humor. His annoying beautiful humming while we were on missions. And his annoying as hell heterosexuality. So annoying.

"Well sorry, not all of us have a stick up the ass like you," Lance crossed his arms, going back to looking around for food, "Oh, look! A berry bush." He walked up to it and kneeled down, picking a berry off it.

I walked up behind him, they looked like raspberries but double the size and blue, "You really shouldn't eat it when you don't know what it is. It seriously could be poisonous. You may be annoying, but I don't want you to die."

I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Lance stood up, "Aw, Keith. I knew you liked me," He touched his finger to my nose before taking a bite of the berry. He threw it back on the ground after, "It's disgusting anyway."

"Lance, one bite could still hurt you if it's poisonous." I bit my lip, feeling the worry welling up inside me.

Lance shrugged, starting to walk again, "Well, what's done is done."

"God, Lance!" I followed him, "You're so reckless, don't you have any regard for your own life?"

"No, not really," He stopped walking, "That was weird, I didn't mean to say that." He chuckled nervously.

I frowned, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Y-Yeah. Just a bit weirded out by why I would say that... It's true though, I don't really care if I live or die. Hell, I wish I would just die already." His eyes widened and he put his hands over his mouth.

"Lance, I think that berry did something to you."

He nodded, moving his hands, "I think it did."

"God, I told you not to eat it!" I grabbed his wrist and started walking again, pulling him back towards our lions, "We've got to try rebooting the lions. We've been walking for an hour, I think it's safe to say this planet is either uninhabited or the nearest people are way too far away."

He walked along beside me, not fighting the fact I was holding on to him, "It's like everything I think just blurts out. It's scary."

I had never heard him admit to being afraid before, or to any vulnerability. I looked at him, "So it really is true? You really want to die?"

He looked down, "Yes, I've tried to kill myself three times."

I stopped walking, "You what?!"

He kept looking down, "The first time I tried to hang myself but my brother stopped me. The second time I jumped off a bridge into a river, I made it out with only a broken arm. The third time I took a bottle of my antidepressants, that one was a really close call. I went into a coma," He put his hands over his face, "Why am I saying all this?!"

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