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*This takes place in the season 2 timeline*

TRIGGER WARNING/ This contains suicide. It shows a suicide attempt in the beginning.

It's not graphic. The method is poison, so no depictions of cutting or other gory content. I didn't want to go that far. But the actually attempt is written out, which is something I don't usually do. Just wanted you to be prepared for that.

If you don't want to read those details, skip to Keith's POV.

Here's a small summary of Lance's without the details for those who want to skip: Lance eats a poisonous berry with a goal to end his life. They're beneficial to Altean's so they have plenty of them on the ship. He lays down after eating it, but then Pidge shows up to get him for training. He forgot they were doing extra that day. He tried to get out of it by playing sick but he goes anyway when Pidge suggests he should go to the healing pod. He's able to spar with Keith for a few minutes before collapsing.


(6258 words)

Lance's POV:

Why am I even alive?! I'm a waste of space! The team would be better off with a different blue paladin! They can find someone else.. I'm done...

I looked down at the weird fruit thing in my hand, it was called a besoavine. Coran had warned us not to eat it. It was poisonous to humans, it could kill us in less than twenty minutes. We only had it because it was beneficial to alteans, it was like a super vitamin for them. But here I was, about to eat the damn thing. It about the size of a ping pong ball.

I stared at it, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was debating if I really should kill myself or not..

I'm useless. I'm holding the team back... I need to just die.

With those thoughts in mind, I ate the besoavine in one bite. It was super bitter and made me want to vomit, but I ate it. I laid down on my bed and kept crying, holding the note I'd written in my hand. I didn't want to die without saying goodbye to everyone. This note was my goodbye.

"Lance? You're late for training!" Pidge knocked on my door.

Shit! I forgot about the extra training we were doing today!!

"I-I, uh, I'm not feeling too well.. I think I should just sit this one out.." I sat up, wiping my tears away.

"You don't sound too good.. Are you sick? Should I take you to the pods?"

"No! Don't do that!!" I didn't want the pod to save me from the besoavine. I needed to die, "You know what, I'll just come to training.. I'll be fine." I stood up and went to the door, leaving the room. I didn't know what else to do.

She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow, "Are you sure you're okay, Lance? You just said you weren't feeling well.."

I nodded, "Yeah.. I think I'll be okay enough to train. I can just go to bed early tonight. Sleep it off."

She sighed and nodded, "Okay.. Let's get going..."

We walked down to the training deck in silence. We got there and Shiro walked over to us, "There you are, Lance. We had to send Pidge to look for you."

"He said he's not feeling well but is okay enough to train.." Pidge crossed her arms and looked up at me.

Shiro frowned a bit and felt my forehead with his human hand, "Hm.. No fever... If you feel like you need to take a break at any time then go ahead. We don't need you to hurt yourself.."

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